Cars pass the F10 parking lot on Lassen between Zelzah and Lindley where students will soon be able to purchase a north lot parking permit for $94.50. Photo by Bodhi Severns / Staff photographer
The first few weeks of the new semester, as we all know, are the heaviest with traffic in and around campus parking lots. Luckily for students who utilize CSUN’s shuttle services, the headache to find parking may be reduced significantly.
A fourth shuttle bus was added to the campus in order to increase the level of service due to the demand for the housing shuttle. The newest addition has been running since the first week of the Fall 2016 semester.
Students in the F10 lot may have seen a sign that was posted on the first day of school indicating the shuttle system was experiencing ‘technical difficulties’.
“The shuttle company had significant staffing issues and was not able to provide service that day,” said Parking and Transport Services Manager, Larry Isrow.
The campus’ Housing Shuttle Bus runs Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m. and from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday.
There are five stops on campus and students can be picked up at any of the following locations: in the F10 lot on Lindley and Lassen, the F8 parking lot on Lindley at the shelter, the South side of the F8 lot near the UPA Building 9, East of the soccer fields, and on the South side of Redwood Hall.
However, buses make pickups at the F8 stops only when traveling Northbound.
In 2014, the university implemented discounted parking permits strictly for the North Campus lot, for half the price of a parking permit that allows you to park in any student lot.
Students are not restricted to just one lot with the general student parking permit, but the pass costs $189 for only one semester. A North Campus permit for Fall Semester 2016 will cost you half the price, $94.50, and the 2016/2017 academic year permits cost $189.
While working two jobs and taking courses, 23-year-old Sociology major, Parada, doesn’t mind parking in the F10 lot if it means she can save some money.
“I like it because it’s really convenient for me. Any way that I can save, I will,” Vanessa Parada said.“This shuttle service is included in our tuition anyway so why wouldn’t you use it, you know?”
Purchasing a reduced parking pass is a really good deal, Isrow stated.
“There’s always parking in [F10] versus students coming down to closer lots, having to wait, and circulate for parking,” Isrow said.
Brittney Austin, 23, psychology major said, if a shuttle is available at all times, students will use it more often.
“If you have to wait 10 to 15 minutes each time, students will most likely continue to park in closer lots,” Austin said.
With many students going straight to work after classes, a wait time is crucial.
“I think they would have to make sure the shuttle is really efficient and actually serves the needs of the students before it could be effective,” Austin said.
The average wait time for a bus used to be from 15 to 20 minutes. This new addition will serve to cut down the wait time by a few minutes, Isrow said.