Officer Messmore caressing Daisy so she stays calm. Photo credit: Alejandro Aranda
Students, faculty and staff gathered at the Bayramian Lawn on Tuesday to meet Daisy, the new K9 unit for CSUN Police Services, and learn about what she does for not only the department, but the campus as well.
Daisy is officer Virgil Messmore’s new partner and she is a mix between European Labrador and American Labrador. She is only 15-months-old and has been with Messmore for the last three months.
Daisy was raised and trained for the sole purpose of being an explosives ordinance detection canine (EODC) or a “bomb dog” as many people are familiar with. She can currently detect 16 different smells and Messmore hopes to train her to identify 20 smells.
Messmore joined CSUN police in February of this year and gained extensive experience as a police officer while working the last 22 years at the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department. His life long career dream was to become a canine handler and this year, it came true.
During the event, students were able to take a pictures with Daisy and speak with officers about the K9 unit. CSUN police also had a booth, selling items to raise money for the K9 units as it is funded mainly by donations.