Taking control and starting your own business means that you can be your own boss. In fact, stats show that most business owners state that they will not go back to traditional forms of employment, with 70% of entrepreneurs stating that they are actually actively working towards expanding their business. Many of the entrepreneurs that were surveyed state that one of the greatest motivators for turning away from traditional employment is the financial incentive. With family reasons and health coming in just after and the majority sharing the sentiment that being your own boss is less stressful or demanding and, therefore, better for your health.
Forming your own Limited Liability Company (LLC) can be a difficult and stressful process. However, making use of one of several online businesses that offer LLC formation services can easily spare you both the inconvenience of doing it yourself and the cost of hiring an attorney to prepare and file the necessary documents. There are two LLC formation websites that stand out amongst the rest: LegalZoom and ZenBusiness. Either one of them could be the ideal LLC formation service provider for your new business – the comparison review below will help new businesses to weigh up these two options by outlining the services provided by both companies.

Copyright: BestLLCServices.Com
Value for money
The cost of LegalZoom’s LLC formation starts at $79. Whereas, ZenBusiness’s service starts at $39. In addition to saving you $40, their service gives you the benefit of more features. LegalZoom does cost more and includes fewer features, but one ought to consider that it is a more well-known website than ZenBusiness, and they have many more years of experience in LLC formation. It appears that ZenBusiness gives you the best value for money, but if you don’t mind spending extra on brand power, LegalZoom remains a worthwhile option.
Similarities between the two companies
The LLC formation services of both ZenBusiness and LegalZoom cost much less than hiring an attorney to form your LLC (ZenBusiness more so than LegalZoom). The process of both companies is so efficient that your LLC formation will be handled in a few weeks at most or a few days at least. ZenBusiness and LegalZoom both provide excellent customer support – your queries and difficulties will be swiftly responded to.
These two businesses provide many additional services to improve your LLC formation process. Despite LegalZoom having more years of experience, ZenBusiness is certainly doing its best to catch up. Both companies are experts in LLC formation, and their reliable amount of experience in LLC formation will put your mind at ease. Lastly, ZenBusiness and LegalZoom both go above and beyond to provide their customers with plenty of helpful information pertaining to entrepreneurship with their blog and Knowledge Center respectively.
Best overall choice
Both companies are attractive options in LLC formation, and you should always compare your options against your own personal requirements. Picking a company will ultimately be based on personal preference. The first step to deciding which option will be the best fit for your business should be to list all of the services that you require. Then you will have to evaluate your budget and establish exactly how much you will be able to spend on a service. Lastly, estimate the amount of customer service that you might need, as it is important to find a company that is available to provide assistance when it is needed.
As an additional step, you should look deeper into customer reviews as personal experiences from other entrepreneurs may help in selecting an option for your business.
Final thought
There is always the option of doing it yourself – many new business owners do – but it’s more useful to employ the services of a specialist, be it an attorney or an online LLC service like the ones above. The rules and regulations of LLC formation differ from state to state, and it’s convenient to have someone with expertise and insight handle the process so that you can dedicate more time to your other responsibilities as a business owner.