Trenorol is a popular bodybuilding supplement that has been gaining a lot of attention in recent years. It promises to provide users with the same results as the anabolic steroid, Trenbolone, but without any harmful side effects.
In this Trenorol review, we will take an in-depth look at this Tren alternative and determine if it lives up to its claims. We will feature real user reviews of Trenorol with before and picture and muscle gain results.

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Trenorol Overview and Quick Specs
Made by Wolfson Brands which owns CrazyBulk
Designed to mimic effects of trenbolone steroid without side effects
Legal alternative, can buy online without prescription
Main ingredients: Beta Sitosterol, Samento Inner Bark, Nettle Leaf Extract, Pepsin
Claims to help with nitrogen retention, protein synthesis, red blood cell production
Said to help gain significant muscle mass and strength
Also claims to aid in fat loss by increasing metabolism
Average reported gains of 10-15 lbs muscle and reduced body fat
Current price on website is $64.99 for 90 capsules (1 month supply)
Buy 2 get 1 free promo brings price down to $41.32 per bottle
Free worldwide shipping offered
60 day money back guarantee if not satisfied with results
Available exclusively to buy from official website
What is Trenorol?
Trenorol is a legal and safe steroid alternative produced by CrazyBulk. The brand is well-known in the bodybuilding industry and specializes in creating natural alternatives to performance-enhancing drugs.
Trenorol is specifically designed to mimic the effects of the steroid Trenbolone (Trenbolone Acetate), delivering similar benefits without any of the side effects or risks it can present.
As with all Crazy Bulk “legal steroids,” Trenorol is a natural bodybuilding supplement you take orally. There is no requirement for needles or injections.
CLICK to view Trenorol price and special promotions form Crazy Bulk website
Real Trenorol Review With Before and After Results

“I’ve been lifting weights for years but always struggled to gain lean muscle mass and get truly ripped. I heard about the benefits of the steroid trenbolone but didn’t want to risk the side effects. That’s when I decided to try Trenorol from CrazyBulk.
After taking 3 capsules per day along with following an intense workout routine and clean diet, I started noticing changes in my body after about 3 weeks. I gained over 10 lbs of solid muscle mass and my strength shot up fast. I was able to lift a lot heavier during my workouts.
The fat burning effects also started kicking in around the one month mark. I shed off a lot of stubborn belly fat and got vascularity I never had before. My muscles look so much harder and defined now.
Before I started using Trenorol, I weighed 180 lbs with probably 15% body fat. Now after using it for 2 months along with diet and exercise, I’m a lean 195 lbs and under 10% body fat for the first time!
I haven’t experienced any kind of side effects, just clean energy and stamina in the gym. It’s amazing having this kind of tren-like power and physique from a natural supplement. Trenorol is highly recommended if you’re looking for major muscle gains and fat loss. It flat out works if you put in the effort with it.” Caleb – California USA
Read more Trenorol reviews and testimonials from real customers
Trenbolone Steroid: Benefits and Risks
The steroid Trenbolone was developed as a veterinary medication used to boost feed efficiency and support muscle growth in livestock. It proved to be very efficient at improving muscle mass so it was not long before bodybuilders and other athletes began obtaining it illegally and using it to improve their strength and overall body composition.
It’s not unusual for bodybuilders who are using Trenbolone to gain 8-15 pounds (3.6-6.8 kilograms) during a single bulking cycle. Trenbolone is also good for preventing loss of muscle mass while cutting. It delivers significant improvements in protein synthesis and nitrogen retention and, with an anabolic rating of 500, is one of the most powerful bodybuilding steroids.
However, like many other anabolic steroids, Trenbolone can cause problems with cholesterol and pose a significant risk to cardiovascular health. It also has many other side effects including insomnia, “roid rage,” hair loss, and testicular atrophy (shrunken testicles).
All things considered, any benefits Trenbolone provides can come at a very high price. There has always been a need for safer natural alternatives but until Crazy Bulk entered the scene nobody had been able to pull it off.
Since its release, Trenorol has become extremely popular among bodybuilders who are looking for a safe and legal way to improve their muscle mass, strength, and performance without endangering their health or running afoul of the law.
How Does CrazyBulk’s Trenbolone Alternative Work?
Trenorol works by increasing the production of red blood cells in the body. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to the muscles, which is essential for energy production and muscle growth. By increasing the number of red blood cells in the body, Trenorol ensures that your muscles receive an adequate supply of oxygen during workouts, optimizing their performance and allowing you to train harder and longer.
In addition to this, Trenorol also increases nitrogen retention in the muscles. Nitrogen is a crucial component of protein synthesis, which is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. By improving nitrogen retention, Trenorol helps your muscles to recover faster from intense workouts, promoting superior muscle-building capabilities.
Lastly, Trenorol enhances the production of testosterone in the body. Testosterone is an important anabolic hormone that plays a crucial role in building muscle mass and strength. By stimulating improvements in testosterone secretion, Trenorol helps to promote muscle growth and increase strength, and performance.
Related content: What is the best natural testosterone boosting supplement?
The effect CrazyBulk Trenorol has on testosterone is one of the main things that sets it apart from the steroid. Trenbolone doesn’t increase testosterone, by taking over its role in the body, it replaces it, causing significant reductions in natural testosterone production.
By the time bodybuilders finish a Trenbolone steroid cycle, their ability to produce testosterone will be so poor they will need to follow their cycle with a post-cycle therapy (PCT) to help restore normal hormone production and avoid rapid loss of muscle mass, low libido, erectile dysfunction (ED), and other issues related to low testosterone.
When bodybuilders finish using the CrazyBulk alternative, their natural testosterone levels will be higher and should continue to be so for some time.
CLICK to view Trenorol price and special promotions form Crazy Bulk website
Trenorol Benefits: What to Expect
The benefits this natural supplement provides are a close match to those of the steroid it replaces:
Improved muscle gains
Increases in muscle strength and power
Higher levels of physical performance
Improved workout capacity
Faster muscle recovery
All-round body conditioning
No known side effects
If all this sounds too good to be true, don’t worry, it’s not, and CrazyBulk is so sure of its Trenbolone alternative’s ability to deliver the goods that it provides it with a no-questions-asked 60-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.
Trenorol Usage Guidelines and Considerations
Each bottle of Trenorol contains 90 capsules, which is enough for a one-month supply. The recommended dose is three capsules per day, taken with water approximately 45 minutes before your workout. On your rest days, you take the capsule with breakfast instead.
To achieve the best results, it’s important to use Trenorol consistently in conjunction with a healthy diet and suitable exercise program. Skipping or modifying doses is not recommended.
Increasing the dose will only increase the cost of using the supplement, not increase the benefits. Reducing the dose will provide extra days of treatment but will severely hinder your gains.
For optimal results, CrazyBulk recommends using Trenorol for at least two months, followed by a 1.5-week break. During this break, it’s essential to continue with proper diet and exercise to maintain the gains made during your Trenorol cycle.
As with anabolic steroids, it’s possible to stack CrazyBulk steroid alternatives to achieve even greater benefits. The CrazyBulk website makes this easy to do by providing seven powerful legal steroid stacks.
Due to its power and versatility, Trenorol is included in several of them:
Bulking Stack (for rapid improvements in lean muscle mass)
Strength Stack (for improvements in strength and physical performance)
Ultimate Stack (for enhanced muscle growth and recovery, greater strength, and enhanced fat loss)
Stacking CrazyBulk legal steroids can be surprisingly cost-effective because CrazyBulk offers significant discounts that reflect the fact you are buying more than one bottle. Using the Bulking Stack as an example, it’s nearly $75 cheaper than the cost of buying each of the four legal steroids individually.
Trenorol Ingredient Profile
Each dose of Trenorol provides 8 key ingredients:
Ashwagandha (1000 mg)
Cats Claw Bark Extract (100 mg)
Cinnamon Bark Extract (40 mg)
Fennel Seed Concentrate (50 mg)
Nettle Leaf Extract (300 mg)
Vitamin E (12 mg)
Magnesium (357 mg)
Zinc (10 mg)
Trenorol Ingredient Evaluation
You have reached one of the most important sections in our Trenorol review. After you have discovered the benefits of each ingredient in the Trenorol formula, it will become easier to understand why this legal steroid is such a powerful option.
Ashwagandha is a popular adaptogen that has a long history of use as a medicinal herb and can promote significant improvements in physical and mental health.
Study data shows Ashwagandha can deliver increases in strength, muscle mass, fat loss, and physical endurance. One of the ways it achieves these things is by boosting natural testosterone production.
The results of one clinical trial are particularly relevant because it was conducted on men engaged in resistance training activities. Data from the study shows Ashwagandha delivered significant increases in muscle mass and strength and is highly supportive of using dietary supplements that provide this herb alongside intense exercise. [1]
Cat’s Claw Bark Extract
Cats Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) is an ancient medicinal herb native to South America, where it is traditionally used to treat a variety of ailments and is a common inclusion in supplements that aim to enhance cognitive function.
Cats Claw Bark Extract contains compounds that are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Data from some studies suggests the extract may help protect muscles against exercise-induced damage in addition to enhancing muscle recovery and blood flow.
Cinnamon Bark Extract
Cinnamon Bark Extract has a long history of use as a spice and medicinal herb. It contains numerous compounds that offer anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
CrazyBulk is mainly using Cinnamon in Trenorol because it can reduce inflammation. Its ability to do this will help protect against muscle damage and speed up post-workout recovery. [2]
Fennel Seed Concentrate
Fennel is rich in many important nutrients including potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. Excess sweating while training can deplete the levels of these important minerals, leading to the early onset of fatigue and poorer-quality workouts. By providing a pre-workout top-up, the fennel seed concentrate in Trenorol helps prevent mineral depletion from interfering with exercise capacity.
Fennel is also a good source of Vitamin B6. As you may be aware, this valuable water-soluble vitamin is a key ingredient in many energy drinks.
Energy drink manufacturers favor Vitamin B6 because it increases vitality by helping the body extract energy from food.
Vitamin B6 also aids red blood cell production. Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. Steroids and bodybuilding supplements that improve red blood cell production enhance workout capacity by helping delay lactic acid build-up within the muscle tissues.
Nettle Leaf Extract
Although nettle (Urtica dioica) leaf is unlikely to boost testosterone production, it provides compounds that promote higher levels of “free testosterone” by helping to prevent this important anabolic hormone from becoming bound by sex hormone binding globulin (SBHG). [3]
Nettle leaf extract also has a longstanding reputation for being able to support prostate health and research supports using it in this way. [4]
Many men struggle with enlarged prostate and similar problems, especially when they get older, so this ingredient’s ability to help prevent such issues may be a highly desirable bonus.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant that can fight free-radical damage during exercise. It’s also been shown to improve muscle strength in older people, as well as athletes. This makes it a valuable inclusion in supplements that aim to support increased muscle mass. [5, 6]
Magnesium + Zinc
Magnesium and Zinc are essential minerals that play a key role in healthy testosterone production.
Even acting alone, Zinc supplements can deliver a marked improvement in circulating testosterone, while magnesium supplements appear to work especially well when used alongside exercise. [7, 8]
Some research suggests zinc and magnesium may have a special synergy that allows them to be particularly potent when you consume them together. [9]
Trenorol Ingredient Science
The links below are included for your reference and convenience. They will allow you to access valuable study data that underpins the value of the Trenorol ingredients.
Examining the Effect of Withania Somnifera Supplementation on Muscle Strength and Recovery: A Randomized Controlled Trial: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26609282/
Anti-inflammatory Effects of Cinnamon Extract and Identification of Active Compounds Influencing the TLR2 and TLR4 Signaling Pathways: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30379176/
The Effect of Extracts of the Roots of the Stinging Nettle (Urtica Dioica) On the Interaction of Shbg With Its Receptor on Human Prostatic Membranes: https://europepmc.org/article/MED/7700987
Urtica Dioica for Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16635963/
Antioxidants and Exercise Performance: With a Focus on Vitamin E and C Supplementation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7697466/
Vitamin E in Sarcopenia: Current Evidences on Its Role in Prevention and Treatment: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4109111/
Zinc Status and Serum Testosterone Levels of Healthy Adults: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8875519/
Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Testosterone Levels of Athletes and Sedentary Subjects at Rest and After Exhaustion: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20352370/
Effects of a Novel Zinc-Magnesium Formulation on Hormones and Strength: https://www.asep.org/asep/asep/BrillaV2.PDF
Trenorol User Reviews and Testimonials
It’s all well and good for us to tell you that Trenorol is one of the best legal steroids you can buy, but what do people who have already used it have to say about it? Are their experiences in line with our formula assessment?
Let’s take a look at a few typical Trenorol user experiences:
“I was skeptical about trying a legal steroid at first, but I’m glad I took the plunge with Trenorol. It’s helped me push through plateaus and gain noticeable improvements in lean muscle mass. Plus, I don’t have to worry about any negative side effects.”
“Trenorol has really stepped up my game in the gym. The strength gains are insane and I’ve also noticed a significant improvement in my recovery time. Highly recommended for anyone looking to take their workouts to the next level.”
“I had some doubts at first and only bought this supplement due to the money back guarantee. I needn’t have worried. This Trenorol supplement is the real deal. I noticed an instant improvement in the quality of my workouts and my muscle gains are through the roof.”
“I’m 30 days in now and have noticed my muscles are a lot bigger and stronger. Based on my experience so far, next time I’m going to go the whole hog and get my Trenorol as part of the Crazy Bulk bulking stack.”
“This stuff is 100% legit. It does what it says on the tin and doesn’t give me issues with anger and other problems like the real steroid used to do. If you want to get big but don’t want to damage your health in the process, order some Trenorol. You won’t regret it. I guarantee it.”
Where to Buy Trenorol?

CLICK to view Trenorol price and special promotions form Crazy Bulk website
If you want to buy this legal trenbolone supplement, you will have to get it from the CrazyBulk website. It isn’t available anywhere else. If it appears to be, run a mile because the product you are looking at will be a fake that won’t be capable of working in the same way and may have the potential to make you unwell.
Each bottle of Trenorol provides a 30-day treatment for $64.99 (price correct at the time of this review). There is no need to worry about any additional or hidden charges, CrazyBulk provides rapid free shipping to customers all over the world.
Trenorol Discounts and Special Deals
Although the price per bottle is already very reasonable, it is possible to get even greater value for money by ordering two bottles instead of one. When you do this, CrazyBulk will ship you an extra 30-day treatment free of charge. When you go this route, it brings the cost of using Trenorol down to less than $44 per month.
If you want to get the best results from legal steroids, it’s always best to use them for 2-3 months so getting three bottles of Trenorol for the price of two is a pretty smart move.
It’s sometimes possible to make further savings on top but only if you are lucky enough to visit the CrazyBulk website while a flash sale is running. If there is one running, you will know straight away because there will be a banner announcing it at the bottom of the page.
Flash sales typically only last for 24 hours but you should know how long is left because the banner usually contains a countdown timer.
The Flash sale discount may vary but is generally 20% and applies to all orders. Even if you are getting three bottles of Trenorol for the price of two you will be able to get the flash sale discount as well.
The three-for-the-price-of-two offer also extends to CrazyBulk legal steroid stacks and can deliver seriously good value for money. Best of all, the stacks are eligible for flash sale discounts too and have the backing of that crazy 60-day money-back guarantee.
Does Trenorol have any side effects?
Trenorol is made from natural ingredients. Unlike the anabolic steroid it replaces, it does not have any known side effects.
However, if you are currently taking medication or have a pre-existing medical condition, it is always best to get professional medical advice before starting to use any brand of dietary supplement for the first time.
How long should I take Trenorol for?
For best results and maximum benefits, it is recommended to take Trenorol for a minimum of 2-3 months.
Can I stack Trenorol with other legal steroids?
Yes. You can stack Trenorol with other Crazy Bulk steroids. The company has even put together some pre-built stacks that make it cheaper and easier to do so.
However, it would be unwise to stack Trenorol with legal steroids or supplements created by other brands because compatibility is unlikely to be present. All CrazyBulk legal steroids are designed to complement each other’s abilities and work together in harmony to maximize the benefits all around without the risk of side effects.
How long does it take to see results with Trenorol?
This depends on various factors such as your diet, exercise routine, and body composition. However, many users report seeing visible results within the first few weeks of using Trenorol.
Improvements in energy levels and workout quality are often obvious right from the start. Many Trenorol users notice they can do more reps and start lifting heavier within a matter of days.
Does Trenorol require a PCT?
No, Trenorol does not require a post-cycle therapy because it doesn’t suppress testosterone production in the same way traditional steroids do. This is another point in its favor.
The drugs necessary for an effective PCT can be expensive. They also have the potential to cause side effects. When you use Trenorol instead of Trenbolone, you will not need to worry about any of these additional undesirable factors.
Can Trenorol help with weight loss?
Trenorol boosts testosterone. Its ability to do this has the potential to accelerate fat loss. It can also help you to train harder and burn more calories through exercise.
By helping you to increase muscle mass, Trenorol can also elevate your basal metabolic rate (BMR), increasing your overall calorie expenditure, night and day. However, although Trenoral has value in these areas, it’s not designed for weight loss and will not control hunger the way traditional diet pills do.
If your primary goal is to lose weight, you will get far superior results by using a high-quality specialized option, such as PhenQ.
Does Trenorol enhance athletic performance?
Yes. Like the anabolic steroid it replaces, Trenorol boosts energy levels and enhances nitrogen balance, making it possible to enjoy a more intense workout. Many Trenorol users confirms it has great value as a pre-workout supplement.
Is there a risk of developing man boobs due to using this supplement?
No. Trenorol does not contain estrogenic compounds so it will not upset your hormone balance or cause breast tissue growth. However, Trenbolone and similar synthetic steroids can do this. Few men are keen to have to endure this type of steroid response, that’s one of the reasons Trenorol and the other CrazyBulk steroid alternatives are so popular.
Can women use Trenorol?
Trenorol is safer for women than Trenbolone because it does not present the same high risk of developing excessive body hair and other symptoms of virilization.
However, Trenorol is unsuitable for women who are pregnant or nursing a child.
Will Trenorol make me irritable?
No. Unlike a lot of natural muscle-building supplements, Trenorol does not contain any caffeine and is 100% stimulant-free. It does not cause irritability, jitters, nausea, or any of the other problems that are common among stimulant-rich supplement options.
Is Trenorol legal?
Yes. Because CrazyBulk uses only natural ingredients in its products, they are all considered legal steroids. Trenorol is no exception.
Can I buy Trenorol on Amazon or GNC?
No. CrazyBulk doesn’t sell any of its products via Amazon, GNC, or other third-party retailers. This ensures they can control the quality of their products and provide customers with the best possible service.
The only place you can purchase genuine Trenorol is from the CrazyBulk website. This is also the only way you can be sure of getting any special offers or promotions that may be available.
How long does delivery take?
Delivery times may vary depending on your location. However, CrazyBulk offers free and fast shipping worldwide, usually within 3-7 business days for US orders and 3-10 business days for international orders.
Trenorol Review Conclusion
Trenorol is a powerful safe and legal alternative to Trenbolone. It can help you achieve impressive results in terms of muscle gain, strength, and performance without any harmful side effects.
With its all-natural ingredients and positive customer reviews, Trenorol’s effectiveness is impossible to question. It provides a safe and legal way for bodybuilders and athletes to enhance their physiques and athletic abilities.
If you’re looking to take your workouts and results to the next level, Trenorol is an excellent choice and thanks to the availability of special offers and discounts can provide unbeatable good value for money.
The guarantee also works in this supplement’s favor. It allows you to try Trenorol risk-free and see the results for yourself without having to worry about losing money.
Whether you’re an experienced bodybuilder or one who’s just starting out, Trenorol can help you reach your body goals quickly without the risk of side effects. When you choose to grow your muscles with Trenorol, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.