The job of a single mother is the hardest job in the world. A single mother, who works full time, attends college full time and holds the job of being both mother and father to their children, should be nominated for a Supermom award.
Being a single “supermom” has its rewards but that title can also bring a lot of pressure that may not be healthy.
The daily tasks of a single mom never ends because when the kids are sleeping, a single mother keeps on going like the Energizer bunny whether it’s mentally, physically or emotionally.
Cooking, cleaning, working a full-time job, doing laundry, taking six college courses, finding time to do homework and finding time to spend with my kids are just some of the challenges I face as a single supermom.
The pressure I deal with on a daily basis sometimes drives me to a state of mental illness such as anxiety, stress and isolation. The question is how do I deal with this or how does any supermom deal with it?
I have to admit it’s very hard to find some balance in my chaotic life but it’s essential.
Here are some tips taken from a pregnancy Web site addressing a few supermom myths out there. These tips can help me and the other hundreds of “supermoms” out there struggling with balancing our lives.
Don’t feel like you have to give your child everything. Feeling obligated to give your child everything will only make you feel guilty, stressed and/or like a failure in life. This will affect your role as a mother and the relationship with your child.
Be sure to make time for yourself. Even if its just 15 minutes a day, try to find a quiet place where you can gather your thoughts and relax. During this time, try not to think about what needs to be done. Try taking a yoga class once a week if your schedule allows it.
Recognize your family is the most important ingredient. I know the life of a “supermom” can get crazy but don’t get so wrapped up in it that you miss out on some of the very priceless moments of being a mom.
Now these are just a few tips that we as supermoms can follow to help balance our life. So remember there’s a tip for every demand and challenge single “supermoms” have to face. We just have to ask and look for them.