Daily Sundial • September 29, 2012 • https://sundial.csun.edu/56907/uncategorized/students-use-performance-art-to-raise-awareness-of-smoking-related-diseases-and-deaths/
Students use performance art to raise awareness of smoking related diseases and deaths
Nathan McMahon
David Coker, a junior majoring in Communications, was one of 20 students in Comm 401 taking part in an assignment advocating for social change. Outside Manzanita Hall they drew chalk outlines around students in the class to represent the loss of life that occurs every eight seconds from tobacco use. Victoria Kleiman, the student organizer from the class said, “Our first assignment was just to pick a topic that we’re passionate about. Everyday I come to school and I see countless students walking by smoking cigarettes and we thought what better than right outside our own building. So it’s something that hits home.” Photo credit: Nathan McMahon / Daily Sundial