The California Faculty Association has taken another step closer to the possibility of a strike. They’re holding two voting periods, between March 5 and 8 and March 12 and 15, to decide whether to strike. CSUN’s faculty will be in the second voting period.
It could just be us, but we get a feeling that the vote will end up being in favor of a strike, and most of us can’t really blame them. From what we’ve heard it seems like the CFA has gotten a raw deal. We appreciate the promise of the CFA to keep this disruption to students to a minimum by holding rolling strikes.
We are curious as to what CSUN President Jolene Koester and other CSU administrators are doing to help students as we all rapidly approach the largest potential higher education strike in United States history, though.
So far, CSUN’s CFA chapter president David Ballard has been published twice this semester in the Sundial in reference to the labor disputes and potential strikes, explaining the faculty’s position and goals. CFA members also stress that they are not only fighting for themselves, but the students.
But there must be two sides to this story. We’ve heard the CFA’s side and from what we’ve heard we tend to agree with their position. Perhaps that is because the CFA’s side is all that students have been told, though.
What about the administration? What is their side of this two-year labor dispute? As the March vote rapidly approaches, why have we heard nothing to explain why the CFA’s demands have not been met and why we students may be dealing with a strike soon? The administrators should be just as devoted to the students as many of the professors and other faculty seem to be.
We as students are curious as to the administrative reasons behind their position. We want to understand why they could not give the CFA what they wanted.
Please, President Koester, enlighten us students as to why CSUN may be very quickly facing a faculty strike that will disrupt our education. It’s not a matter of taking sides; it’s a matter of having all the facts, of wanting to know the whole story. Right now, all we’ve heard is the CFA’s story. Now we want to hear your side of the story.
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