Associated Students General Manager David Crandall warned the Senate on Tuesday of potential consequences to their generosity to clubs and organizations over the past year.
Addressing the allocated amounts that have been proposed by the finance committee, and then approved by the Senate, Crandall said the money was being allocated at an unprecedented rate.
“I strongly encourage you to recognize some restraint,” he urged.
Crandall then told the Senate that money that was due to come in from excess enrollment fees, had not only already been spent, but could potentially not be available for the last activities at the end of the school year. “We haven’t collected as much money as you have already spent,” he said.
Crandall also questioned the reporting by Daily Sundial students. “There are a number of typographical errors in the Sundial this semester,” he said, though he failed to elaborate much on the criticism.
Referencing rising allocations for student organizations and clubs, Director of Finance Adam Haverstock said, “The fact is that the cost of (the) PAC has doubled. We would like to try to decrease the cost for using facilities in addition to increasing funding.”
Haverstock also said there would be Senator training geared toward finance so “you guys can worry less about logistics and more about the decisions you are making.”
At Tuesday’s meeting, the Senate allocated $8,324 to student organizations, clubs and academically related requests, which included an increased allotment for the Muslim Student Association’s Women in Islam event, scheduled for April 13. The finance committee originally wanted to set aside $500, but the Senate doubled the recommended funding.
With all actions from the finance committee passing, $14,600 is left in the Unallocated Reserve Account for the remainder of the school year.
The Senate also approved a resolution on the California State University-California Faculty Association negotiations at the meeting. After nearly an hour of discussion and debate on certain facts that are stated in the resolution, the Senate approved a resolution to “remain neutral” on the negotiation process between CSU and CFA. They also opted to support “equitable pay for quality instruction.”
Authored by Sen. Byron Baba, the resolution said A.S. is not in a role to have an opinion on faculty contract negotiations. Baba cited a lack of information as the basis for remaining neutral.
CSUN’s A.S. is the last of the 23-campus system to officially pass a resolution on the labor dispute between CFA and CSU.
Faculty Adviser Veda Ward spoke to the Senate in an effort to ask them to give more objective evidence for allocations. “When you are talking about re-funding from past allocations, I don’t find anything except anecdotal evidence.”
Veda also asked, when discussing faculty issues, for the Senate to be aware of wording that would have an impact on how others perceive and relate to the faculty. “Faculty are people. It’s a little bit different than administration.”