Disclaimer: Containing today, the Opinion section of the Daily Sundial is publishing an article series on discrimination in and around the nearby community. Reporters agreed to write stories in regard to how their lives are affected because of their race, culture and/or disability. Stories of how individuals lives are affected because of their race, culture and/or disability that aren’t represented by the reporting staff were contacted through organizations that represent them. If you feel there’s a story to be told about how the lives of individuals are affected by their race, culture and/or disability that aren’t being represented, please contact the editor at opinion@csun.edu, and its inclusion in the series will be considered. Stories included in the series were selected by considering the demographics of the campus’ student population. Content of articles in the series could be interpreted as offensive. Keep in mind that the series is meant to inform people about how differences are perceived and how they affect us as a community. It’s not the Sundial’s intent to escalate animosity, but to create understanding. Comments and responses are welcomed and can be submitted to the editor’s e-mail opinion@csun.edu for publishing consideration.
When people ask me if I love dogs, I’m always hesitant to answer with a simple, “Yes I do.” Why do I hesitate? Because I’m Filipino and people have this misconception that Filipinos often treat their dogs, how should I put it? As more than just pets. Others think that “man’s best friend” could potentially be a “Filipino man’s best dinner.”
Being Filipino means if people call me Chinese or Chino, I’ll not respond. And if you want to ask me, “Hey, where’s Kumar?” I suggest you check the byline again. My name’s not Harold.
As far as stereotyping goes, I do eat a lot of rice. I’ve spent endless hours in front of a screen either watching Japanese anime or playing video games. I talk about comic book heroes as if they were my next-door neighbors (how I still wish).
I love working with computers and fantasizing about the next microchip Intel plans to develop. I own about 10 different video game consoles, from the TurboGrafx to the Xbox 360. Yes, you could call me your typical Asian computer geek.
But I hate math. I tend to itch every time I deal with numbers. I used to be a computer science major (big surprise) but I realized that it just wasn’t the thing for me. If people think that anyone with ‘chinky’ eyes is a math expert, I would advise them to think again. And yes, my eyes are wide open when you look at me.
However, no matter whom I’m with, I would always be dubbed as the ‘token Asian guy.’ I’m like Hiro from “Heroes,” the little Mandarin kid from “Goonies” or “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,” or even the MILF guy in “American Pie” (that’s Harold in case you were wondering). I do turn a little red every time I drink, but my ADD (Asian Drinking Disorder) isn’t so bad when compared to what I’ve seen in others.
I stepped foot in this glorious country when I was 13, so I still have a firm grasp of my roots. I speak fluent Tagalog, but when others hear me speak it, they often criticize me by saying, “Oh my God, is he fresh off the boat?” Being bilingual doesn’t mean that I have a big ‘F.O.B.’ stamp on my forehead. It means that I’m proud of my heritage, and I can criticize you even further utilizing two languages.
Despite my sincere respect for my ethnicity, I do have a few gripes about it. I remember eavesdropping to a conversation while I was in a local Starbucks. The man was talking about his recent trick-or-treat trip with his kids at his neighborhood. He said that as soon as he came around the “Asian” houses, he told himself, “Gah, damn stingy-ass Filipinos,” knowing that they wouldn’t open their doors.
I don’t blame him for thinking like that. We do tend to be a little tight with our wallets. But who can blame us? My country struggles each and every day with so much poverty and political corruption. Being here is a blessing everyday, and every dollar we earn, we plan to keep.
Whether you categorize me as an Asian or Pacific Islander, the stereotyping will have the same effect. Sad to say, but it does. I’m not saying I don’t stereotype or discriminate. We all do to some degree, but I love to keep myself around diversity. Some of my close friends are racially diverse and include people from white, black, Mexican, even Armenian/Mexican backgrounds. I got into journalism to uncover things I never knew. Why do I love diversity? Because it decreases the chance of me stereotyping others and yes, decreases the chance of me eating dogs.
And God bless Manny Pacquiao.
The following lists the race, culture and/or disability of reporters who have an article that’ll be published or has already been published during the series. The order in which articles were published is random. To receive more information on the series of articles or to suggest that the Sundial write an article about how an individual’s life is affected because of their race, culture and/or disability, please refer to the disclaimer.
African descent Mexican descent European descent Armenian descent Jewish descent Asian descent Middle Easter descent LGBTQ Natve American descent Central/South American descent Deaf