The semester is now in full swing for new dorm residents and you will soon realize that being an adult really means being responsible and having discipline. Your number one focus should be balancing your academics and experiencing college life to the fullest.
As a reward for a hard week of studying, I recommend going out some weekends but stay safe and learn to balance in study sessions. Don’t go out alone, always hold onto your drink, and look after those you go out with.
According the Department of Health and Human Services, individuals between 15-24 years of age develop nearly half of all new sexually transmitted diseases. So, if you do decide to have sex, remember a condom is better than an unplanned pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease.
A difficult experience for some can be meeting your new dorm-mate and adjusting to a stranger’s way of living.
Take advantage of the opportunity to make new friends by participating in campus events and resident programs. If you are looking to break free from your room and meet new people this is a good way. Your resident advisor is also a perfect resource to turn to whenever you need access to quick information and guidance. Your RA can also provide you with a list of on and off campus emergency phone numbers.
As a former resident advisor, I encountered several residents dealing with major cases of homesickness or loneliness for the first time. I found what has always helped is being able to talk to someone else. Keeping a healthy diet and staying active by doing even simple tasks, like cooking, can help you feel more productive in the long run.
If you are a resident living in a dorm with a kitchen, take advantage of it and opt against the meal plan. Unless you are fortunate to have your meal plan paid for by someone else, the standard meal plan cost is $1,317.50, which equals 15 meals per week. Take this as an opportunity to practice budgeting and have fun with it by hosting potlucks with your new friends.