The A.S. Finance committee allocated more than $13,000 for ten different requests on Monday, March 10.
The committee is currently awaiting an undetermined amount of funds from excess enrollment in January.
The committee had $27,604 in unallocated reserves as of March 3. On March 12, a meeting with A.S. President Adam Haverstock will be held to discuss the annual budget.
Ryan Mallick called the meeting to order in place of the Director of Finance, Andrew Collard, who was ill.
The Communications Association’s requested $4,950, but their request was postponed until the next meeting, which takes place today. No formal action was taken because there was not an open meeting notice.
Dr. Kathryn Sorrells, representative for the Communications Association, said the funding would go toward keynote speakers for honoraria, travel and lodging. Among those affiliated with the event are the Women’s Resource Research Center and the Urban Studies and Planning Department.
The Chicana/o studies department requested $1,500, but they were directed to Instructionally Related Activities for funding. The group is seeking financial support for the Warrior, Goddess, Diva: 4th Annual Chicana/Latina Conference.
Student Stephanie Montes, represented the WRRC and the Women’s Studies Student Association. The committee granted $360 to the WRRC’s pinwheel project.
“We will have a visual display representing the number of victims that have been sexually assaulted and raped,” said Montes. “Each pinwheel will represent 100 victims. We promote awareness of violence against women.”
The committee also transferred $2,000 from the Violent Acts Grounded annual budget to the WSSA per their request.
Yu Oda, a composing major from the music department, requested $1,150 for the senior recital.
“The recital is a requirement for the degree. It is too expensive if I were to fund it myself. I will hire semi-professional musicians (because) CSUN students are busy and not paid to perform, so it’s difficult,” said Oda.
The committee approved $500 from the Academically Related Reserves Account for the personal request.
The African American Music Association requested $7,350 for the African American Music Festival. Their request was indefinitely postponed. The group was not at the meeting to make their request but had recently received supplemental funding for the event.
Ballet Folklorico Aztlan de CSUN was granted $1,180 for the 5th Annual Folklor de Mexico event. One hundred-eighty dollars will cover expenses for liability insurance.
Diana Cabral, an alumna who is now part of the CSUN staff, represented the group. She said entertainment would include a mariachi band and children folklorico dancers.
Representative Zack Reed-Fier, TV production and psychology major, requested $9,050 for Colleges Against Cancer’s Relay for Life.
“There are no member dues, we promote cancer education and services that are available in the valley. We will have a stage to facilitate this event which will be April 19-20,” said Reed-Fier.
CAC, in association with the American Cancer Society, is a new group and is planning an event at CSUN. The committee granted them $1,300.
Faculty advisor Kameron Brown said new groups and events to CSUN have limited funding. They are typically granted anywhere from $800-$1,500.
The committee allotted $1,200 to the Consensus group.
Student representative Josh Clark requested $1,775 on their behalf for a speaking engagement. They are a newly chartered organization that started as a book club. This will be the group’s first event. Author Michael Parenti is expected to be their guest speaker.
The Management Information Systems Association was granted $1,000. John Teves, a student representative, described a career night organized by MISA. The event will be open to all CSUN colleges. A panel of professionals who are CSUN alumni would give students insight to their careers.
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars was granted $1000. Having a long history with the university, they were seeking funding for Integrity Exploration Day. The event is geared towards high school students.
“Last year we had 75 students attend, our goal is 100,” said Nancy Trieu, student representative for the group.
Sigma Phi Epsilon was granted $400 for liability insurance. They were seeking funding for the SigEp and Alpha Epsilon Pi Carnival that will take place on April 20.
“Proceeds from the event would be given to a charity that we all decide on,” said Tony Espinoza, a student representative.
The event was determined as a pass through.
“The university does not fund pass throughs. This is when proceeds received will then go to another organization,” said Brown.
David Crandall, A.S. General Manager, suggested attention to the availability of student interpretive services for group events.
Crandall said there is money available for student interpretive services. On top of each group’s request they would receive funding for those services. It provides an equal opportunity for deaf studies, he said.