Fitness advice during the coronavirus

Ashley Hawn, Reporter

With the stay-at-home order continuing to last through the spring and into the summer months, it has become a major challenge for people to find the motivation and the means to work out.

As a personal trainer myself with no access to a gym or equipment, I have had to become quite creative with my fitness routine. The biggest mindset anyone can have during this time is that something is better than nothing.

Any type of physical activity will not only benefit you physically during this time but mentally as well. I notice any type of movement to my body I can fit into my schedule improves my day and the overall quality of my mental health.

Some days, it is a walk or run in the morning and evening and other days I’ll do lunges and push-ups in my backyard.

What I notice is that even during this weird time, adding some level of activity into your weird schedule gives you a sense of routine. It also greatly benefits your sleep schedule, keeps you hungry and improves your overall health.

When my gym closed, I was heartbroken as I thought I was going to lose all the progress I had worked so hard to gain. However, I have looked at it almost as a competition and a chance to get myself stronger and keep myself mentally sane.

I get creative with things I can use around the house or yard to make into workout equipment. I have made heavy backpacks to do long walks and lunges and water gallons come in handy for working mostly any muscle.

I quickly noticed with my change in a fitness routine that it is all about attitude.

One thing my family enjoys doing during this time is going for walks and playing what we call “the question game.”

This is where we ask each other questions about our favorite movies, most embarrassing moments or favorite animals.

What this does is it keeps everyone engaged and makes the walk seem less of a burden and more of a chance to spend quality time together while being active.

The insanity of the coronavirus pandemic and all the changes that have come with it have made me realize that fitness isn’t the most important thing in the world, even if it feels like it is to me.

I have learned that the health of my family and the appreciation for first responders during this time put in perspective for me that even in a time of hardship, there is much to be thankful for.