Gyms, museums and hotels can reopen Friday

Samantha Bravo

A sign outside of a Woodland Hills shopping center.

Samantha Bravo, Assistant Campus Editor

The Los Angeles Department of Public Health announced in a statement the reopening of gyms, spectator-free professional sports, day camps, museums, hotels and music and film productions. The reopenings will begin on Friday and additional safety protocols for reopening businesses will be announced on Thursday, according to the statement.

These reopenings follow the reopenings of hair salons, barber shops, religious services, retail, restaurants, beaches and trails at the end of May. The Los Angeles County’s full plan for reopening can be seen here.

With these latest reopenings, L.A. County will begin Phase 3 of the state’s Resilience Roadmap.

“This major step forward does not mean the threat of COVID-19 is gone. Residents must continue to practice physical distancing, wear cloth face coverings and follow public health directives,” L.A. County’s statement reads. “Going to the gym, visiting a museum or going to camp will be very different than it was before the pandemic. Each sector reopening will have strict infection control directives in place.”

Each newly reopened sector will have limited capacity and enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures.

While the county has made some progress on the Resilience Roadmap, large events and gatherings — such as concerts and parties — are still not allowed until the county is able to move into Phase 4.

“I know how desperate people are able to get back to events, but that is not in our health officer order nor is it in the safe health officer order,” Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said.

The next phase, Phase 4, would see the reopening of higher-risk businesses, such as entertainment venues, large conventions and sporting events.