Meet a club: Muslim Student Association
MSA President Redhawam Ahmed (extreme left) and Muslim Student Association members Zachary Gulshad, Azmi Shatela (front), Anaz Mohammed and Abdullah Tokhi stand outside of the East Conference Center at CSUN to pose for a picture.
October 25, 2021
Da’wah, which is Arabic for “making an invitation,” is how the Muslim community teaches others about the beliefs and practices of Islam. This invitation is a pathway into learning more about the culture and faith of Islam.
The Muslim Student Association is a student-run club that values sharing its culture with fellow CSUN students.
Redhwan Ahmed, the President of the MSA, opens his club to everyone.
The club helps to bring inclusivity for both Muslim and non-Muslim students alike, while providing educational resources for all,Ahmed said
The MSA incorporates the five pillars of Islam — Shahada (faith), Salah (prayer), Zakat (giving), Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage) — into their club to keep with their religious practices.

Ahmed said that he takes pride in sharing his culture with others, while looking up to his idol, the Prophet Muhammad.
“The way he cared for the people, the mercy he always displayed, how principled he was, and how committed to his cause he was are all important factors that inspire me to share this way of life [Islam],” Ahmed said.
Ahmed said being part of the club gives members the chance to develop skills such as being a good communicator, public speaker and leader.
Maraam Hijaz, the club’s coordinator, informs club members about upcoming events.
Every month the club raises money for charity by selling bingo cards, where club members can donate to a different cause, Hijaz said.
Additionally, the club invites various speakers to their meetings to help educate members. The group holds Halaqas, where a sheikh comes to speak to their club members and goes over important topics that allow us to reflect.
Hijaz said the club helps to improve club members’ knowledge of the religion, and spread the word about it as well, allowing any misconceptions about their religion to be corrected.
Almaas Jalal, the MSA Treasurer, appreciates having a club to connect with her religious beliefs.
“I grew up in an Islamic household and had such beautiful experiences when learning more and more about my religion,” Jalal said.