Business Students: How Can You Learn to Build Your Brand and Stand Out from Competition? From Entrepreneur Brian Colpak 

Branded Content by Cosmic Press

It’s not easy to build a brand online today, especially considering the daily content people are exposed to. But, as tech entrepreneur Brian Colpak says, the key is to position your company in a way that stands out from the competition. This skill can be learned early, and Mr. Colpak recommends that young business students put it into practice every day. 

Many proven strategies can help you in this regard. Here are ways to establish a solid brand online as you work to win new customers. 

Convey a Consistent Message 

There are so many different mediums on which to build your online brand. From your website to review sites to social media platforms, each is important and unique in its own right. 

While each separate platform requires a slightly different style and format, your messaging should remain consistent across every channel. The consistency shows consumers that you are dedicated to your goals and mission statement and who you say you are. 

This will help you stand out from your competition because you’ll be consistently hammering home the same branding message. 

Establish and Maintain a Solid Reputation 

When consumers aren’t personally familiar with a product, service, or company, they take to the internet to see how others feel. Review sites are today’s version of personal recommendations from family, friends, and colleagues. 

Unfortunately, one bad review can outweigh 100 positive reviews. That’s why it’s imperative first to establish and then maintain a consistently solid online reputation. 

Depending on your industry, you’ll want to check reviews left for your company at sites such as Angie’s List or Yelp, as well as feedback left on your social media pages. Respond to bad reviews in a polite and understanding way to see if you can help consumers who were not happy with their experience. 

Become an Expert in Your Field 

Consumers tend to purchase products or services from people and companies they trust. One of the best ways to gain this trust is to establish yourself or your company as an expert in your field. The way to do that today is through content marketing. 

Publishing consistent blogs on your website, and linking to them from your social media channels, will serve to establish your expertise in your field. However, this isn’t an opportunity to highlight your products or services and write about how great they are. 

Instead, write about related topics to your company that serve as helpful tools and information to your potential customers. By teaching consumers something they didn’t know, you’ll be establishing that trust that’s so vital for online brands. 

A side benefit of writing this content is it will boost your search engine results as well. 

 Target Your Specific Audience 

Brian Colpak says it’s essential for all businesses to cater their online brand to their target audience. But, of course, you have to know the profile of your target audience before you can target content to them. 

 Once you have defined this audience, ensure that everything you publish online speaks directly to them. This includes the tone and language of the content you publish, the style and format of your website, and the messaging you post on social media. 

 Many companies make the mistake of speaking too broadly. By catering your online brand to your target audience, you’ll be helping your company stand out from the competition.  


About Brian Colpak 

Brian Colpak is a tech entrepreneur and the founder of Continental Global. After spending most of his career in managerial positions, he founded and led a company recognized as one of the top 100 fastest growing companies in Massachusetts before starting his current company. These days his main focus is on an upcoming project in Dubai. 


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