7 Ways To Improve Your Personal Brand


Branded Content by Cosmic Press

We all have a personal brand, even if we do not realize it yet. Certain aspects of our demeanor and personality tend to be more prominent than others, which leaves an impression on people and becomes your identifier. The use of personal branding has long been an effective tool within the workforce; it gives a person a unique stand out from others that they are competing with and adds character to a resume.

Your personal brand’s image is based on how others perceive you. This observation is generally based on visible behaviors, nonverbal behaviors, and other cues that may be observed. Therefore, it is essential that you first ascertain what it is about yourself that you find worthy of branding and use that as the base for your brand identity.

Steps to improve your brand

Find out what makes you the person that you are

Before you can successfully market and portray yourself to others, you first need to be sure and find a sense of comfort in understanding your own identity. What are you passionate about? What angers and upsets you? What changes do you wish to see in yourself and the world? The answers to these questions will help you find the areas that you should emphasize and work on.

Surround yourself with positive influences

You can only grow as much as your environment allows, so surround yourself with people who are focused and goal-driven. You will learn and grow from them, which can help improve your brand image via association.

Tidy up your appearance

We all love comfort, but the chances of landing a job or bagging that big client are a lot higher if you are in professional attire instead of a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants. Keep your hair and nails neat and clean and prioritize personal hygiene. If you want people to view you as more approachable, it is essential to smile more and remember that oral hygiene is as important as no one wants to be near someone with bad breath.

If you are conscious about your smile or find it challenging to maintain good oral hygiene due to teeth misalignment, getting braces or clear aligners may be the solution. If you wish to go with the clear aligners, there are both in-office and at-home options to look at.

The in-office options such as Invisalign are great for those that have severe misalignments and have the time and means to attend regular dentist visits, while Invisalign alternatives such as Byte, Candid, and SmileDirect can be done from the comfort of your own home and are relatively cheaper and faster treatment options. In addition, smile Prep is an excellent source for reviews from real customers who have tried various at-home treatments and provides a great deal of information about the at-home teeth alignment treatment process.


Understand your audience

Think about the people you are marketing yourself to, understand how they think, their interests, and how your brand aligns with them. Remember that you are ultimately selling yourself, so find the gap in the market and build your brand around what is required.

Focus more on the legacy that you want to be known for

It is tempting to want to work on multiple projects and while being multifaceted is a good thing, it is somewhat counterproductive to be a “jack of all trades but a master of none.” Remember, your brand is about who you are and where you want to go, so focus on a few key aspects that you would like to represent what you stand for and utilize as your brand’s mission statement.

Build your confidence

Work on building a healthy level of self-confidence, you have to believe in yourself for others to take a chance on you. The important part is to find a balance. You also do not want to be overconfident, which can come across as obnoxious and cocky.

Draw inspiration but do not replicate

The most important aspect of personal branding is based on you as an individual. So while having role models and people to aspire to be like is okay, never lose your individuality in the process.

Final Thoughts

Your brand should ideally portray your best and most authentic self. Remember to find the perfect balance in self-confidence so that you do not come across as intimidating, but do not stifle yourself to fit in and be liked. Be proud of who you are and what makes you unique because your true self will shine through your smile more than anything else.

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