What You Need to Know About the Abbreviation for Established

Branded Content by Cosmic Press

Abbreviations are something that we use in our everyday written language. 

An abbreviation is most commonly used in the written word and is a way to communicate a larger word or group of words into a shortened term. They have always been a part of how we communicate. Some researchers think that abbreviations have been around since the ancient Greek days and medieval manuscripts. 

There are also multiple forms of an abbreviation. For example, some words use the first few letters, such as Co. for Company, or they will use the first and last letter of the word, as in Rd. for Road. But most of these abbreviations are not used in verbal dialect. Instead, they are used for written content that saves time, energy, and effort. 

A significant attribute to abbreviations becoming more frequently used in our written language is the adoption of instant messaging and text messaging. As a result, most people will abbreviate words without even realizing it anymore—it simply comes as second nature to them. 

And with more and more growth in the amount of content out there and our ability as humans to retain information and the need to do so quickly, abbreviations are frequently used more so than ever before. One of those words that we often abbreviate nowadays is the word established. 

The established abbreviation is most commonly done so in the form of est. For example, someone may write: 

The company was est. in 2001 in New York City. 

The average person would instantly pick up that est. is the abbreviation for established. But there is so much more to this abbreviation that you should be aware of. And we are going to let you know everything that you should be aware of when using this common abbreviation in your daily communication. 

1. Use a period to signify the abbreviation

The punctuation of this abbreviation is super important. For example, if you do not use the period and just use est, it could be mistaken for Eastern Standard Time—a common abbreviation used to specify a time zone. But when you use the “.” after est, it confirms that it is the shortened version of established. Or, if you want to play it extra safe and ensure mindfulno confusion, you can also use estd. To shorten established as well. 

2. Know the meaning of the word first

As with any abbreviation, you will also want to know the actual definition of the word you are shortening. And what does established mean? According to the official dictionary, this word means that an entity or something about the entity was “accepted or officially recognized.”  

Two examples of this include: 

The school established its guidelines on kids returning to the classroom. 

The company has had a long-established culture of diversity.   

3. Consider mixing up abbreviations with synonyms

If you are using the word established multiple times throughout your content, then you do not have to simply use the full-length version and the abbreviated version of the word. You can also diversify your language by using appropriate synonyms for established too. For example, you can use words like traditional, ingrained, secured, set, entrenched, permanent, formed where necessary and relevant to how it applies. 

4. The abbreviated version does not always work

Keeping in mind that the word established can be used as both an adjective and a verb, you will want to be careful to when you decide to use the abbreviated form. A great general rule of thumb is to save the abbreviated version of est. or estd. for when referring to dates. If you are not using the word with a date, we recommend using the full-length version of the word or a synonym that best supports it. 

Examples of how est. or estd. work best with dates include: 

The school was est. in 1992. 

The event, estd. In 2010, it was canceled for the first time this year. 

This building is a heritage site, EST 1945. 

5. When in doubt, use the full word

If you are ever worried about your readers getting confused or not understanding what you are trying to say, we recommend using the full-form version of established. It will prevent confusion and give you confidence in your copy. While abbreviations are widely accepted, it is still common for people of various generations to misinterpret or get confused. 

So what will you be using? Will it be established, est. or estd.? 

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