Letter from the Editor – Michaella Huck – Issue 10
May 9, 2022

A year ago, we had an idea to create a compelling magazine issue by issue covering different issues that faced our community. Looking at other publications on campuses, I realized something was missing. There was a void in terms of stories that really honed in on stories that told the stories of our generation. We wanted to do that every issue consistently! I didn’t know what I was throwing myself into. Sixteen-to-24-page layouts bi-monthly isn’t easy with a team that is less than 10. We faced many trials and tribulations — however, we persevered and improved with every issue. We learned to adapt with every curveball, we were able to imagine something simple and it takes a very brave team to imagine something and execute it. We executed it over and over again and baby we executed it to become something I would never imagine. After four years of working at The Sundial, it hurts to say this is my final farewell. I am proud of the things we have produced as a team, I am proud of the things I can now take with me into the workforce and along the way I have made lasting friendships that are near and dear to my heart, with a special shout out to Mercedes for being a dope friend and a doper managing editor. While, I am sad to say farewell and I am even happier to shed light on the students that had to overcome so much to complete their education alongside me. It might be hard now but, day by day we’re ‘making it.’
Michaella Huck