The Story of You: Tips Entrepreneurial Students Can Use to Perfect Their Elevator Pitches, An Explainer from Entrepreneur Corey Shader

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There’s a lot business owners can learn from Hollywood. Entrepreneur Corey Shader says this is especially true when it comes to elevator pitches, and every college student should learn how to use them now — before entering the workforce. 

The same techniques that budding film producers use to get their idea for a movie picked up can be used by entrepreneurs when they’re pitching their business to venture capital firms and financial institutions in hopes of raising capital. 

If you’re not sure whether you’re ready for the bright lights, follow the tips below to perfect your elevator pitch. 

Know the Audience 

The approach you take to pitch your company to executives at a big bank may not be the same approach you should take to an upstart venture capital firm. What works for one may not work for the other. What ‘s important to one may not be important to the other. 

Knowing the audience who will be hearing your elevator pitch will help you decide the best approach to take, including the points you should highlight the most. Figure out what makes them tick, what’s important to them, and then explain how your company matches up with those things. 

Give Them Less, Not More  

It’s inevitable: When you make your elevator pitch, you’ll have to do some talking. The key is to talk only as much as you need to, and nothing more. Your elevator pitch should be well-thought-out, prepared and concise.  

The goal of an elevator pitch is to get investors interested in your company. You’ll do this through short and powerful statements about your company’s mission, goals, success to date and future projected success. 

Those who are hearing your pitch will dive deeper into the weeds of your financials later. So, stick to the overarching points that give them just enough to be interested but not too much that they get lost or are bored. 

Nail the Value Prop 

Perhaps the most important part of any elevator pitch is the value proposition, or value prop. It’s a concise explanation as to what your business is going to do differently than others, which ultimately will make you valuable in a crowded market. 

What is your company bringing to the table that others in your industry aren’t? Is it new technology you’ve created? Is it your expertise and innovation? Is it the talent you’ve assembled for your team? 

Whatever your value prop is, it’s essential that you first fully understand what it is and then be able to effectively communicate that to those hearing your elevator pitch. 

Have Confidence 

Elevator pitches are your opportunity to sell yourself. Corey Shader says that prospective investors won’t just be analyzing the potential they see in your company but the value they see in you, too. 

To sell yourself successfully, you need to have confidence. Believe in yourself and what you’re doing. You know that what you’re doing is worthwhile and can succeed. Now, it’s time to confidently convey that message to others.  

About Corey Shader 

Corey Shader is a consultant, investor, real estate developer, and founder of several companies. Operating primarily out of Ft. Lauderdale, Corey’s endeavors span across the nation, consulting for start-ups, and sitting on the board of digital media and senior healthcare agencies.  

As a consultant, Corey helps young businesses develop sales funnels and maximize profitability. Shader takes pride in challenging others to push themselves to be their very best — he believes in constant self-improvement, inspiring others through sharing his own life experiences. 

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