How Common Are Truck Accidents? 3 Things All Young Drivers Should Know

Content provided by legal writers

Trucking accidents typically include a collision between two or more trucks, a huge truck and a passenger car or bus, or a parked vehicle run over by a wheeler truck. However it happened, or whoever was at fault, trucking accidents do happen.  

It may even happen if there’s no other vehicle on the road other than the truck that broke its brakes and rammed into people, houses, or buildings way out of the road. 

Especially in states where trucking businesses thrive, many road incidents occur every single day. Some reports show staggering statistics, like how 18-wheeled trucks injure more than 90,000 people every year.  

The damage of these trucks to persons and properties worldwide has heightened people’s awareness of all its social, economic, and legal implications. 

Knowing some facts about trucking accidents or incidents may benefit you as a young driver. Though you may well avoid them, there are inopportune times that you still get involved in them.  

Some Things You May Want To Know  

1. Collisions With Multiple Vehicles 

The U.S. Department of Transportation statistics in 2020 reported that 91.9% of large truck accidents were due to collisions with multiple vehicles. Next in rank, though only at 3.8%, are crashes on fixed objects. Crashing into a pedestrian was reported at 1.6% in the same year.  

These statistics will give you an impression of how the driving industry is faring. As you can see, these fatal collisions reinforce the need to better prepare would-be truck drivers and their seniors in the profession, to be extra cautious while on the road.  

There are tips and guides on self-preparedness which may help you in cases when you get involved or witness road accidents and other mishaps.  

Furthermore, the Federal agency’s report should alert you to take the necessary precautions every time you’re at work. Whether driving your car or navigating wares with a truck, road safety should always be your priority. 

2. Facts About Trucks And Their Collisions 

In 2020, a study found that large trucks account for 9% of all vehicles that were involved in fatal collisions in all of the United States. It’s an alarming trend considering that not only the drivers’ families rely on the efficiency of these trucks but also those with their finances at stake.  

Due to their weight, trucks are anywhere from 20 to 30 times heavier than passenger automobiles. When fully loaded, a large truck requires between 20% and 40% more stopping distance than a passenger automobile. 

Also, because they are taller and have greater ground clearance, smaller vehicles are usually overridden during accidents. These collisions cause a higher number of fatalities than those road accidents encountered by lighter vehicles. 

3. Most Young Driver Fatalities Involved Recklessness 

Teenagers’ lack of driving experience and their propensity to take unnecessary risks increase their likelihood of getting involved in an accident. Younger drivers are more prone to break the speed limit or aggressively take shorter headways than older drivers. 

Aside from being aggressive and speeding, inattentiveness or driving while distracted is becoming more of a habit for young drivers. Concerns have been raised as more individuals “multitask” while driving. Talking on the phone, texting, checking messages, eating, or watching television while driving increases the risk of road accidents. 

Data from 2019 alone reveals that 31% of those involved in fatal accidents due to speeding were young male adults between 15 to 20 years old. Seventeen percent of these fatalities were females of the same age. 

In A Nutshell 

The data on this content may help you know the realities of truck driving as you engage in the profession. Get some insights here on what more you can do if you get involved in a trucking accident. These are some of the technical and not-so-techy facts about your being a truck driver. 

Take the effort, explore the links to know, and focus your attention on the ordinances of becoming a responsible truck driver. 

You can do well in this job if you take every measure to prevent and avoid road accidents. Remember that it has taken more government and non-government organizations to enact more legislation and craft safety precautions to keep the roads and the drivers safe. 

It’s not about being armed with technical know-how. It’s about being loaded with good instincts and insights to do it. 

This content is provided by an independent source for informational purposes only and does not contain legal advice. Consult an attorney or financial advisor when making decisions. This information is provided by legal writers and does not reflect the views or opinions of The Daily Sundial editorial staff.