5 Simple Facts About Car Insurance That All Young Drivers Should Know 


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You have reached the legal driving age and can’t wait to get at the wheel by yourself. But before you get all excited, there are two conditions you must satisfy; getting a driver’s license and complying with your state’s insurance requirements.

As a young driver, the insurance topic can be a little complicated, and it gets even more overwhelming if you make mistakes around it. But you don’t have to worry, as this guide highlights simple facts about car insurance that will help you get to a good start and ensure you stay compliant. 

1. Car Insurance Coverage Varies by State

Car insurance is a legal requirement in almost all states in America, with most states having a minimum coverage requirement that covers property and bodily damage to third parties. This minimum coverage is also referred to as third-party coverage, as it does not cover damage to your vehicle if you are at fault. 

If your car is relatively new, driving with a third-party policy alone may be risky, so it’s best to have comprehensive coverage to recover damages, including a replacement if it’s totaled. If the car is relatively older, a third-party policy is fine. 

No-fault states require drivers to carry personal protection coverage, which covers injuries suffered in an accident irrespective of who is at fault.

2. A Good Driving Record Can Earn You Discounts

Insurance rates for drivers are high by default. But how long the rates remain high will depend on your driving record because insurers use a driver’s driving record to determine insurance rates. 

Every moving violation enters your record, and the more you have, the higher your risk rating and the higher your rates will be. Getting a ticket for a minor violation may not have much effect, but your rates will increase significantly if you get into an accident where you are at fault.

3. You Can Get Car Insurance after a DUI Conviction

Irrespective of age, getting behind the wheel while drunk is illegal in all states. For adult drivers, the acceptable limit is 0.08%BAC in most states, but some states have a lower limit. 

For teen drivers, the limit is 0.01, which means any amount of alcohol can see you facing a DUI charge. Upon a conviction of a DUI, you can lose your license for some time.

After the suspension period, you must apply for reinstatement from your state’s DMV. The DMV will require you to provide SR-22 certification as proof of carrying the minimum state coverage. 

Having an SR-22 status on your insurance can significantly increase your insurance premiums, but you could buy your SR-22 policy online from reliable providers at relatively cheaper rates than you would from your insurer. 

4. Good Grades Can Get You Fair Rates

If you are hoping to get your first car before you are done with high school, getting good grades can earn you discounts on your insurance rates. Insurance companies reason that good students are less likely to engage in risky driving behavior. 

So if you wish to have a good start with insurance rates, dig into your books. Your school attendance and discipline record can also be a factor, so besides digging into your books, ensure that you avoid getting in trouble that could taint your record. 

5. Defensive Driving Training Can Earn You Discounts

One reason young drivers are risky is inexperience; you can never get driving experience by taking an introductory course. If you are concerned about your safety on the road, it’s best to take a defensive driving course. 

Besides ensuring you stay safe on the road, a defensive driving course can earn you discounts of up to 20%. It would be best if you took defensive driving classes with an approved driving school to qualify for defensive driving discounts. 

Also, some insurance companies offer defensive driving classes to interested candidates, so you may ask your insurance agent if they have such an option. 

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