10 Things You Should Do if Your Car Insurance Bill Has Shot Up

Branded Content by Cosmic Press

There’s nothing more stressful than seeing the cost of a bill go up, especially if you’re already struggling to pay it. However, if you’re concerned with the sudden price hike related to your car insurance, try to keep a clear head. There are plenty of things you can do to keep costs low.

What You Should do if Your Car Insurance Bill Goes Up

Don’t let sticker shock ruin your day. You can quickly get your costs under control if you do your research. 

Here are 10 things you can do if your car insurance bill has suddenly increased.

1. Review Your Policy

Make sure you understand the terms of your policy and why your premium has increased. Check for any mistakes or omissions that may have led to the higher bill. Remember that rates go up every single year due to inflation, so don’t be alarmed if that’s the underlying reason.

2. Review Your Coverage

Consider reducing or eliminating coverage that you no longer need, or you already get through other sources, such as your employer or a membership organization. If you’re not driving as often, there’s no reason to keep collision coverage. Consider switching to pay-as-you-go.

3. Shop Around for Quotes 

Get quotes from other insurance companies to see if you can find a better rate. We recommend using comparison websites to save time, but you can also read reviews of different insurers before you make your choice. For example, this in-depth Progressive review would be helpful.

4. Ask About Discounts

Many insurance companies offer discounts for things like having a good driving record, having multiple policies with the same company, or installing safety features on your car. Ask your insurance agent if you’re eligible for any discounts or if you can move to a cheaper option.

5. Check Your Credit Score

Insurance companies may use your credit score to determine your premium, so check your credit report and work to improve your score if necessary. If your credit score changed a lot recently or you moved to a state that checks your score, your insurance will increase.

6. Take a Defensive Driving Course

Some insurance companies offer discounts for completing a defensive driving course, and you don’t have to be considered a risky driver to take one. In fact, you can sign up for one of these courses at any time. Once you pass the course, contact your insurer for a better rate.

7. Consider Increasing Your Deductible

A higher deductible can lower your premium, but make sure you can afford to pay the deductible if you need to make a claim. If you get in an accident, you’ll have to pay more out of pocket, which could make it difficult to repair your car. With that said, your monthly bill will be cheaper.

8. Bundle Your Policies

You may be able to save money by bundling your car insurance with other policies, such as homeowners or renters insurance. You could also add one of your family members to your insurance policy, as that sometimes makes both of your insurance bills less expensive.

9. Pay Your Premiums in Full

If your premiums are too high, but you have some money saved up in an emergency account, consider paying your premium installments in full. Sometimes, insurers will offer discounts if you pay off your whole bill now rather than wait to make monthly or quarterly insurance payments.

10. Speak to Your Insurance Agent 

If you’re unable to find a solution on your own, speak with your insurance agent about your options. They may be able to help you find ways to reduce your premium or find a policy that better fits your needs. Or they may give you a discount if you threaten to leave the insurer. 

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