Letter from the Editor, Volume 63, Issue 5

photo of smiling woman with long brown hair

Ashley Orellana

As I sit here writing this, I can’t fathom the fact that we are on our last issue of the semester. Behind the scenes there have been countless late night editing sessions, way too much caffeine, and of course trying to keep each other’s heads on straight. Even if this magazine has aged me 10 years, I’ve learned so many valuable things. I’m very grateful to be surrounded by a team of such hard-working people. Without such a diligent team, there would be no magazine. As well, to the support that isn’t seen in the newsroom but in my heart. My family who’s always believed in my strength even when I didn’t see it and of course my kitten Honey who owns my entire heart. Without all these amazing beings in my life, this couldn’t come to life. Moving forward, to our latest issue on drugs! I believe it’s something truly valuable for a source to offer open conversation, even on sensitive topics. I take antidepressants every day of my life, but when I first started it was really hard to have a conversation with someone on drugs that wasn’t skewed by personal beliefs. Even when deciding to take medication, it was really hard to find a source simply just explaining the medication. I wanted to offer our audience just a simple look into what certain drugs are used for and why. I hope that not just for our last issue but all we were able to offer you new information that’ll expand your knowledge.