Self-care Matters

Naomi Ruiz

While self-care might sound trivial to some, mental health professionals say that it is an important part of our overall mental and physical wellbeing. 

Definitions for self-care vary, but the theme is the same – people deliberately taking time out of their day to participate in activities and practices that improve their lives. 

Self-care practices are proven to help minimize stress, lower the possibility of illness and boost energy, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. 

Psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker Maria Barrata wrote about the importance of self-care in an article published in Psychology Today. 

“Incorporating self care every day helps to serve as an armor to protect the energy that we need in order to survive and thrive,” Barrata wrote. 

Self-care is subjective and can look different for everyone, and they don’t always have to be time-consuming or grand. Some might find it soothing to take a bath, while others prefer socializing with friends as a way of comforting themselves. 

Amber Grayson is an English major at CSUN whose idea of self-care involves anything that keeps them motivated and at ease.

“I cook my own ‘healthy’ food, read my favorite and new books, go on daily walks, accessorize, watch anime or play cozy video games,” Grayson wrote in a message. “Anything that brings you joy or peace can count as self-care, even if it sounds unconventional.”

There is not a one-size-fits-all solution that cures everyone from dealing with daily stressors, but there are a variety of emotional and physical methods that people can use to cope.