Graduation letters: Meera Komarraju

Brandon Sarmiento

Illustration by Brandon Sarmiento

Meera Komarraju

Meera Komarraju, Ph.D., is the CSUN provost and the vice president of academic affairs. This is her first semester here at CSUN. You can learn more about her here.

Dear Matadors,


That time has come when you are almost done with college!
With the semester wrapping up over these next few days, you likely have a lot on your plate. Completing finals, term papers and projects, you must be very busy. Best wishes for a successful ending.

As you get ready to graduate, you may be imagining your future life with feelings of enthusiasm as well as nervousness. That’s totally natural as new beginnings can feel demanding.
Even though you may be super excited to be done with schoolwork, you may also be experiencing some nostalgia for the familiar life you are leaving behind. You may be reminiscing about the friends you have made, the classes you have enjoyed (or not), some of your favorite professors and the extracurricular activities that kept you engrossed and happy.

You may realize that you have grown and changed in many ways during your college years. Hopefully you have discovered some new things about yourself as you have become more independent and purposeful. It is possible you have identified some areas or topics about which you are passionate and are keen on exploring further. As you carve out your future in the field of your choice, make sure to try new things and boldly pursue all opportunities that come your way.

This is the best time in your life. You are completing one chapter and stepping into another world that is opening up for you. Make sure to keep learning and growing. Don’t hesitate to get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to try new things. However, also find time to be with family and friends who have supported you in your journey so far and will continue to be your cheerleaders in the days to come.

As you leave campus, I hope you have positive memories of your time at CSUN. We would love for you to return and reconnect with familiar haunts. Wishing you the very best as you pursue your dreams.