How to Engage Your Audience with Instagram Live Video 


Branded Content by Cosmic Press


It is known that Instagram is one of the best platforms for both brands and influencers. All conditions have been created here for their online growth and attracting a loyal audience. However, few people know that any strategy is always most effective if the creator puts their followers first, and not the presentation of himself. You see, IG is so noisy today that it is virtually impossible to stand out here through text posts and usual Stories – users want to be closer to the creators. 

One of the best tools for interacting with the audience is Live Video. By going live, you become a little closer to your potential customers or fans, and allow them to learn a little more about you. By the way, recent studies have shown that about 80% of users prefer watching live videos rather than reading a blog. No wonder – it is important for them to know that behind the page of an influencer or entrepreneur there is a real person, not a beautiful picture. 

Well, if you want to learn a little more about how to use Live Videos to expand your fan base and make streams better, you are reading the right article. Today we’ll reveal some of the secrets of streams and tell you how to make them attractive.  

Where to start?

So, before you start attracting new subscribers through streams, you need to make sure that your current subs are active enough. How to do it? You can start a trial stream and analyze the statistics. See how many views you have at the moment. It’s great if at least 10% of your current audience is already here. If not, you should improve the stats of your streams. 

People don’t visit Lives that don’t attract other users. They also look at the views and the number of viewers, choosing those who show an excellent result. Don’t rush to give up what you started, if the activity and involvement are low, it can be fixed. How? Very simple, invest in your streams and buy Instagram Live views. This boost will help you instantly improve statistics and raise the stream to the top.  

There is a high probability that now the platform’s algorithms will recommend your content much more often and you’ll get more fans than using free methods. In general, first pump up your streams, and then the promo process will be faster and easier. 

How to attract followers through Live Videos?

Go live with like-minded influencers

Collaborations are one of the most powerful promotion strategies. Even paid targeted advertising won’t give you such an amazing result as streams with influencers. Why? It’s simple – users no longer trust ads, at least not to the same extent as before. Today, the only people who can convince them of anything are influencers. 

Instantly double your reach and engagement – that’s what you’ll get from streaming with like-minded people. Before you plan a stream and tell your subscribers about it, think about who you could invite? As an example: if you sell self care goods, it would be nice to invite a beauty blogger, dermatologist or cosmetologist. These influencers have the same audience as you, this is a great chance to build a loyal community. 

Engage with viewers

It doesn’t matter who visited your stream – a current subscriber or a potential fan. Be friendly and answer all questions, say hello and thank them for watching. People who are watching your stream for the first time will be happy to feel needed and important. By actively interacting with viewers, you won’t lose the current fans and will be able to establish a closer contact with them.  

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