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Wegovy Weight Loss Results Before and After: How Does Wegovy Compare to Other Weight Loss Medications


Branded Content by Cosmic Press

Obesity is a complex, chronic disease that has become a colossal public health challenge worldwide. It’s characterized by an excessive accumulation of body fat, leading to a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher.

The issue with obesity goes beyond just physical appearance; it’s a serious health concern linked to numerous life-threatening conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Many people who are overweight or obese are aware of the risks and are keen to do something about it.

As a result, there is a growing interest in pharmacological interventions and weight loss jabs are becoming surprisingly popular. There are several medications presently being used in this way. Wegovy stands out as one of the top medications for losing weight. But how does it compare to other drugs such as Ozempic and Mounjaro?

However, although Wegovy can be effective for reducing excess weight, using it can entail side effects and additional risks.

In this review, we will take a look at the pros and cons of using Wegovy for weight loss. We will explain how to use it and the kind of results to expect. By the time you finish reading, you will be better able to decide if you want to use Wegovy or lose weight using an alternative safer and cheaper medication or drug instead.

Natural, Cheaper and Safer Alternatives to Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs are not suitable for everyone. The cost can be prohibitive as can the side effects that are coming to light in 2023. There are recommended alternatives that are available without prescription that are not only safe but much cheaper and more accessible..

#1 – PhenQ


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PhenQ is an over-the-counter diet pill that contains a blend of natural ingredients including capsicum, caffeine, nopal cactus fiber, chromium picolinate, and L-carnitine furmarate.

It is a cheaper and safer alternative to weight loss injections like Wegovy, Ozempic and Mounjaro. It can also result in permanent weight loss – the injectable medication stops working when you stop taking – so a lifetime commitment and expense!

PhenQ targets weight loss in several ways:

Capsicum and caffeine thermogenically heat up the body and boost metabolism. This increases calorie burn.

Nopal fiber swells in the stomach to enhance feelings of fullness and suppress appetite.

Chromium regulates blood sugar and insulin, which helps control hunger and carb cravings.

L-carnitine enables the body to burn fat stores for energy.

Together, these mechanisms make it easier to reduce caloric intake, while accelerating fat burning.

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(real before and after picture)

PhenQ Benefits Compared to Wegovy

PhenQ has some advantages compared to the prescription injection Wegovy:

  • Safety – PhenQ contains natural ingredients that don’t carry the same risks of side effects as Wegovy’s potent synthetic drug liraglutide.
  • Cost – A one-month supply of PhenQ costs about $70, significantly cheaper than Wegovy’s $1000+ monthly cost. 
  • Convenience – PhenQ requires no prescription and can be purchased easily online. Wegovy is a restricted drug requiring authorization.
  • Gradual fat burning – PhenQ promotes gradual but steady weight loss through enhanced metabolism and appetite suppression. Wegovy often leads to rapid but unsustainable decreases in weight.

In summary, PhenQ utilizes safe natural ingredients to help burn fat and reduce hunger and cravings. For those seeking an affordable weight loss supplement that gently supports weight reduction without potent drugs, PhenQ is an excellent alternative to expensive prescription injections.

#2 – Zotrim

Zotrim - weight loss aid

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Zotrim is a non-prescription herbal supplement marketed for weight loss and appetite control. It contains natural plant extracts including yerba mate, guarana, damiana leaf, and vitamin B3. 

The combination of herbs and nutrients in Zotrim works through several mechanisms to encourage weight loss:

Yerba mate and guarana provide caffeine, which acts as a stimulant to increase energy expenditure and fat burning. 

Damiana leaf affects neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate hunger and fullness signals. This leads to feelings of satiety and eating smaller portions.

Vitamin B3 helps optimize levels of key hormones involved in appetite control like leptin and ghrelin. 

Together the ingredients in Zotrim prolong satiety after eating and reduce caloric intake at meals.

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(real before and after photos)

Zotrim Benefits Compared to Wegovy

Wegovy is an injectable prescription medication for weight loss. It mimics the effects of GLP-1, a hormone that suppresses appetite. Zotrim offers some advantages over Wegovy:

  • Safety – Zotrim contains only natural herbal components, making it safer with minimal side effects. Wegovy has risks of more serious adverse reactions.
  • Cost – A month’s supply of Zotrim costs approximately $50, which is significantly more affordable than Wegovy’s $1000+ monthly price tag.
  • Accessibility – Zotrim can be purchased easily without a prescription. Wegovy requires a prescription and prior authorization from insurance.
  • Gradual approach – Zotrim promotes gradual but sustainable weight loss through appetite control and healthier habits. Wegovy often leads to rapid but unsustainable weight loss.

In summary, Zotrim is a natural supplement that helps users eat less and burn more calories safely and affordably. For those seeking moderate but lasting weight loss, Zotrim is an effective alternative to cost-prohibitive and potentially risky prescription drugs injections.

What Is Wegovy (Semaglutide injection 2.4 mg)

Wegovy is a prescription medication, administered via injection. It’s specifically intended to assist with weight loss in adults who are struggling with obesity.

The primary active ingredient in Wegovy is a semaglutide. It’s a synthetic compound that copies the effects of a natural hormone found in the human body – glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). This hormone plays several crucial roles in managing the body’s energy balance. However, it is most well-known for its significant impact on blood sugar levels and appetite.

How Does Wegovy Help People Lose Weight?

Wegovy’s efficacy in aiding weight loss largely stems from its ability to mimic the effects of the GLP-1 hormone. Ordinarily, the body releases this hormone following a meal, acting as a key regulator of hunger and satiety signals.

By replicating the function of this hormone, Wegovy essentially tricks your brain into feeling satiated, despite potentially consuming less food than you typically would. This reduction in overall food intake can help you to maintain the calorie deficit that forces your body to burn fat.

In addition to its appetite-suppressing effects, semaglutide also retards gastric emptying. This means that the passage of food through the stomach slows down, prolonging the sensation of fullness after eating.

Additionally, this slower digestion process ensures that you absorb the nutrients and energy from the food more gradually, which can further contribute to effective weight management.

Despite the promising results shown by Wegovy as a weight loss aid, it’s important to note that it should not be considered a quick fix or magic solution to obesity or weight issues. Achieving sustainable weight loss is a multifaceted process that requires a comprehensive approach.

This should encompass a healthy diet and regular physical activity. Wegovy and alternative medications or supplements exist to provide additional support, not to replace the important lifestyle changes that result in weight loss and help prevent weight gain.

Moreover, it’s crucial to remember that everyone’s body responds differently to weight loss strategies, and what works for one person may not work for another. The journey to healthier living is a personal one, and it’s essential to find the approach that works best for you.

Who Can Use Wegovy?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Wegovy for people who are obese or overweight.

To be classed as obese, people need a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. The yardstick for being overweight is a BMI of at least 27 or more. So if your BMI is 29, you are only overweight. If you are one pound heavier, you become overweight and obese.

Unless you have a health problem that makes Wegovy unsuitable for you or you are currently using a medication that may clash, you should be able to get a prescription if your BMI is 30 or higher.

You may also be able to obtain Wegovy or a similar prescription weight loss drug if your BMI is 27 to 29. However, in order to do so, you will need to also have a weight-related condition such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease.

Who Can’t Use Wegovy?

As with all the other popular weight loss drugs, Wegovy is not suitable for everyone.

Wegovy is a poor choice for:

  • People with a history of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), a rare type of thyroid cancer.
  • People who are allergic to semaglutide.
  • Women who are pregant, trying to become pregnant or are breastfeeding a child.
  • People who have a history of suicide attempts or sucidal thoughts.
  • People who are blind or have vision problems should not use the Wegovy pen without help from a person trained to use it.

This list is not exhaustive. Other factors may make Wegovy an unsuitable option.

Wegovy Usage Guidelines and Dosage

Wegovy is used as a subcutaneous injection, which means it is injected under the skin. It’s available in 5 doses ranging from 0.25 mg to 2.4 mg, each of which is taken once a week.

When you first start Wegovy, you’ll begin with the lowest dose of 0.25 mg injected once weekly for the first four weeks. Then, the dose is increased every four weeks until you reach the full dose of 2.4 mg.

The injection should take approximately 10 seconds, during which you will hear two clicks. It’s important to press the pen firmly for the entire injection and not remove it prematurely.

Wegovy can be injected in three areas: the stomach, upper thigh, or upper arm. There’s no “best” injection spot, it’s just a matter of personal preference.

As with all weight loss medications, it’s no good expecting Wegovy to do all the work. If you are serious about losing weight, you will have to make appropriate efforts with a reduced calorie diet and increased levels of physical activity.

The Science Behind Wegovy

The results of several scientific studies show Wegovy (semaglutide) can be an effective weight loss aid.

A research paper published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine (May 2023) suggests Wegovy’s ability to boost weight loss is superior to that of several alternative anti-diabetic medications. However, it also points out that the high monthly usage costs make Wegovy and unaffordable option for people whose insurance does not cover its purchase. [1]

Meanwhile, an article in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal highlighted the public interest in using GLP-1 agonists like Wegovy for cosmetic weight loss. This study underlined the need for more scientific research to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Wegovy.

Another study from Nature pointed out that participants receiving Wegovy lost 17.8% more body weight on average than those taking a placebo. [2]

Finally, a report from the Catholic Health Association of the United States suggests Wegovy is delivering significantly more weight loss than other drugs. [3]

Collectively, these and several other studies are supportive of using Wegovy as an anti-obesity aid. However, it’s important to be aware this medication also has the potential to cause severe side effects and health risks.

Common Side Effects of Wegovy and Potential Health Risks

Wegovy has a number of possible side effects, some of which are more worrying than others.

  • Common side effects Include:
  • Redness or pain around the injection site
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Pain in the abdomen or stomach
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling weak

Symptoms such as cramping or pain in the belly and/or frequent, loose, watery stools are particularly common and, in some cases can be severe.

Wegovy also has the potential to cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). The risk of this is even higher when it’s used alongside additional drugs that lower blood glucose levels.

Research suggests GLP-1 receptor agonists like Wegovy may also heighten the risk of pancreatitis (swelling of the pancreas) and thyroid cancer. Because of this Wegovy and similar drugs have to be distributed with an insert that bears a boxed warning that highlights the possible dangers.

It’s also worth remembering that drugs that mimic GLP-1 are relatively new. It may take quite some time before all the potential side effects and dangers come to light.

By way of example, in 2013 Diabetes Care published the results of a study suggesting there was insufficient evidence to link GLP-1 receptor agonists with increased risks of cancer. [4]

Then, in 2021, the same journal bore a study with a very different conclusion:

“In the current study, we found an increased risk of all thyroid cancer and medullary thyroid cancer with the use of GLP-1 RA, in particular after 1–3 years of treatment.” [5]

Wegovy Results – How Much Weight Can You Really Lose

Here are the key facts on how much weight you can realistically expect to lose with Wegovy:

In clinical trials, people taking the highest dose of Wegovy (2.4mg weekly) lost an average of 12.4% of their initial body weight over 68 weeks.

For a person weighing 200 lbs, this would equate to about 25 lbs of weight loss on average.

However, there was a wide range in responses. Some lost as little as 5%, while others lost up to 20% of their starting weight.

Weight loss tends to peak around 6-9 months on Wegovy before plateauing. Many patients regain some weight after this point.

Those who follow the recommended lifestyle interventions like diet and exercise changes tend to lose more weight on Wegovy compared to those relying on the medication alone.

Factors like the duration of treatment, dosage adherence, and individual variability in response impact eventual weight loss. 

Wegovy is not a miracle drug and losing just 3-5% of body weight can have health benefits. More modest expectations may be appropriate for many patients.

Discontinuing Wegovy usually results in regaining most of the lost weight over time. Lifestyle habits determine maintaining success long-term.

While some patients lose dramatic amounts of weight on Wegovy, an average of around 12% reduction in body weight over 6-12 months is a more realistic benchmark for most people. Maximizing results requires combining Wegovy with improved diet, activity levels, and behavioral strategies.

Real Wegovy Weight Loss Results

“After struggling with my weight for years, I decided to talk to my doctor about Wegovy. I’m a 32 year old woman and at my last physical I weighed 178 pounds, which was the heaviest I’ve ever been. I’ve tried various diets and exercise programs but always ended up regaining the weight later on. 

I wanted to try Wegovy because it offers a new approach to weight loss by mimicking a hormone called GLP-1 that targets hunger cues. After doing research, I felt this medication could give me the extra help I needed to finally get my weight under control.

My doctor prescribed Wegovy and I began taking 0.25 mg injections once weekly. The side effects were mild – some nausea and loss of appetite in the first month as my body adjusted. But I stuck with it and the results have been incredible!

Over the course of 5 months taking Wegovy, I’ve lost a total of 28 pounds! That puts me at 150 pounds now, which is a huge improvement and so close to my goal weight. For the first time in years, I feel in control of my eating habits and I have so much more energy. I’m thrilled with my Wegovy experience so far and plan to continue using it until I reach my ultimate weight loss goal. This medication really helped give me the boost I needed!”

Real-Life Experiences Using Wegovy for Weight Loss – Success Stories and Challenges

Customer reviews are a pretty mixed bag. Some people say Wegovy works well for weight loss and appetite suppression, other people say it did nothing for them at all.

Reports of side effects are common. Even people reporting positive experiences often admit the medication made them feel unwell.

The ratings people give the drug are often very deceptive. It’s almost as if people think painting Wegovy in a bad light is taboo.

For instance, one user says her side effects were so bad that she almost had to visit the ER. However, she still awards the medication a 4.7 star rating.

She did lose around 10 pounds a month but it’s possible to do that with the help of natural supplements that don’t make you feel unwell.

Wegovy Usage Costs and Considerations

Unless you have good insurance, using Wegovy for weight loss can involve substantial costs.

Without insurance, the list price of Wegovy is approximately $1,500 per package. Each pack provides four injector pens. This breaks down to about $375 per week or $19,500 per year. That’s a lot of money.

If you can take advantage of the Wegovy Savings Offer, you may need to pay nothing at all or could save up to $225 per 28-day supply. Unfortunately, not everyone is eligible for the offer and/or additional restrictions may apply.

The cost of medications like Wegovy can be prohibitive for many people, especially when insurance doesn’t cover it.

Wegovy Vs Similar Prescription Drugs

Wegovy is anything but a one-of-a-kind weight loss medication. There are several similar weight loss shots that function as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. They all share similar roots in that the drugs they provide were originally developed for controlling the blood sugar levels of people with type 2 diabetes.

Wegovy is no exception. Semaglutide is also available under the Ozempic brand and, although doctors sometimes prescribe it as an off-label anti-obesity treatment, it’s not got FDA approval for use in this way. Ozempic is designed to treat diabetes.

Strangely, although Wegovy has FDA approval for weight loss and Ozempic does not, other than the name on the packaging, the only difference between them is the dose of semaglutide the injections provide. In the case of Wegovy, it’s slightly higher.

Wegovy Vs Ozempic

Due to the higher doses, Wegovy is slightly more efficient than Ozempic. Some of the side effects, such as nausea and stomach pain, might be a little worse too. However, as far as the benefits and side effects go, there isn’t a great deal of difference between the two.

The usage costs are very different. Without discounts or saving schemes, the cost of using Ozempic should be less than $1,200 a month. Wegovy costs a few hundred dollars more but, if you are using Wegovy for weight loss instead of Ozempic, you will have a greater chance of insurance coverage.

Wegovy Vs Saxenda

Like Wegovy, Saxenda is a prescription weight loss medication. It provides the drug liraglutide, a GLP-1 receptor agonist.

One of the main differences between Wegovy and Saxenda is the treatment frequency. When you use Saxenda, instead of only requiring one injection per week, you need to inject the medication every day. This increases the likelihood of pain around the injection site. However, you can reduce this risk by never using the same injection area for two days in a row.

In terms of effectiveness, multiple studies have shown that Wegovy works better than Saxenda for weight loss. Wegovy also appears to present fewer side effects, making it the overall superior choice for most people.

However, both medications provide different drugs and responses may vary on an individual level. For instance, some people may discover they are allergic to semaglutide but get along fine with liraglutide.

As far as the usage costs go, Saxenda is an easy winner because it’s generally around $100 cheaper. That’s a little surprising because a 1-month supply of Wegovy is only 4 injector pens. A 1-month supply of Saxenda provides 28.

Wegovy Vs Victoza

Victoza is an anti-diabetic medication that is sometimes used off-label for weight loss. Like Saxenda, its provides liraglutide. The situation with Victoza and Saxenda is very similar to that of Wegovy and Ozempic. One is an approved weight loss medication, the other is not, but the only difference is the strength.

Wegovy Vs Mounjaro

Mounjaro is a medication for controlling blood sugar levels. It has FDA approval for treating type 2 diabetics but not for weight loss. However, doctors sometimes prescribe it off-label as a weight loss drug so it has more in common with Ozempic and Victoza than it does with Wegovy and Saxenda.

Mounjaro provides the drug tirzepatide. Although it mimics GLP-1 in a similar way to the other drugs, tirzeptatide also replicates the actions of GIP – a satiety hormone. As with Wegovy, you only need to take one Moujaro shot a week. Some users have documented their weight loss results with Mounjaro injections.

Mounjaro costs less than Wegovy. It’s in a similar price bracket to Saxenda. However, your medical insurance is more likely to cover the cost of Wegovy because Moujaro does not have FDA approval for weight loss.

Conclusion: Is Wegovy a Good Option to Reduce Body Weight?

Although Wegovy can be effective for weight loss, it’s a costly option. Unless your insurance covers its use, you could end up paying $1,500 during every month of the treatment.

Additionally, like other prescription medications, Wegovy comes with potential side effects and health risks.

Furthermore, it’s been reported that most patients using weight-loss drugs like Wegovy forsake their treatments in less than a year. This indicates that long-term adherence to this treatment may be too challenging. This could be due to the cost, the side effects, or other factors.

Considering this, it’s worth exploring cheaper and potentially safer over-the-counter alternatives for weight management. There are numerous dietary supplements, meal replacement plans, and lifestyle modification programs available that can aid in weight loss.

However, it’s always recommended to consult a healthcare provider before starting any new weight loss regimen to ensure it’s suitable and safe for your individual needs.

Semaglutide Trusted Research Sources 2023

  1. Wegovy (Semaglutide): A New Weight Loss Drug for Chronic Weight Management:
  2. After Glp-1, What’s Next for Weight Loss?:
  3. Targeting Obesity: Louisiana Partners Harness the Latest Science for Weight Loss:
  4. Do GLP-1–Based Therapies Increase Cancer Risk?:
  5. GLP-1 Receptor Agonists and the Risk of Thyroid Cancer:

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