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The student media organization of California State University Northridge

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New Beginnings High School Shares the Benefits of Tailoring Education for Every Student  


Branded Content by Cosmic Press

For years, education throughout the United States has been delivered on a standardized basis. While this approach works for some, many students are left behind, according to New Beginnings High School, with locations in Lakeland, Winter Haven, and Fort Meade. This alternative high school services all of Polk County in Central Florida. 

There are many reasons why certain students haven’t found success in mainstream classrooms, ranging from their own learning styles to different life circumstances that present them with challenges that other students may not face. 

Recognizing this, educational institutions like New Beginnings High School advocate for personalized learning approaches to support all students. By tailoring education to individual strengths, weaknesses, and interests, these strategies offer numerous benefits for students across the board. 

Identifying At-Risk Students 

For one reason or another, a student may not have found success in mainstream classrooms. Language barriers, poverty, and other challenges have marginalized some students, preventing them from achieving educational success. 

By identifying at-risk students and providing tailored support, schools can enhance the success rate for students who may otherwise struggle in conventional settings. For example, New Beginnings High School provides wrap-around services to help students overcome those barriers, such as free childcare or transportation.  

Personalized Learning 

The hallmark of New Beginnings’ educational approach is a focus on personalized learning. While state learning standards are incorporated for all grade levels, the school integrates customized learning that helps fuel student growth and inspire engagement.  

To create these personalized learning paths, educators assess each student to determine their mastery of course standards. The process also helps to identify opportunities where they can grow — all of which results in a prescriptive learning plan.  

“A lot of our young people don’t like school. Some of them have jobs. Some of them are dealing with real-life adult issues and trying to pursue a high school diploma,” explains Ashlee Wright, founder of New Beginnings High School. “We look at the whole student and what has impeded them. Through this intake process, we not only identify what mode of learning serves them best, but we also identify what barriers have stopped them from completing. Our school aims to address each of those issues simultaneously to help that young person get a diploma.” 

Students can follow this plan through a hybrid learning model that includes direct instruction at one of three campuses, in-person academic interventions, and flexible online lessons, which are accessible 24 hours a day. 

Intervention Based 

The instructional model at New Beginnings High School revolves around a dedicated and intervention-based instructional model. The charter school’s exceptional instructors deliver and reinforce instruction that not only empowers students but also resonates with them. 

In this way, students can experience the true value of what they’re learning, enabling them to seamlessly integrate it into their future endeavors. Students tackle complex concepts in a caring, supportive classroom environment, which helps them to absorb the material better and apply it to their own lives — all while they feel heard, respected, and valued. 

Personalized education strategies offer invaluable benefits for students of all backgrounds and abilities. By fostering a supportive learning environment, institutions can empower students to reach their full potential and thrive academically. 

About New Beginnings High School 

Launched in 2011, New Beginnings High School is a nontraditional charter school in central Florida that offers personalized academic options for students aged 15-24 who want to earn their high school diploma. New Beginnings High School, with campuses in Lakeland, Winter Haven, and Fort Meade, serves over 1,000 students.  

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