The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

Harnessing Creativity in Campus Events and Student Activities


Branded Content by Cosmic Press

(Source: Pexels)

When it comes to organizing campus events, creativity is more important than you might think. Perhaps, this goes without saying. However, it’s also worth saying because it’s often all too clear when not a lot of thought has gone into creating certain campus events and student activities. 

Of course, tapping into one’s creativity isn’t always easy – that’s why students have become accustomed to campus events being relatively lackluster.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of harnessing creativity and thinking outside the box when it comes to organizing campus events. Many students have artistic talents, after all. Chances are, these students would love to put their talents to good use. 

For example, cosmetology students could create stunning (albeit haunting) makeup looks for those attending a Halloween event. Let’s dive into the details below, shall we?

Event Planning Methods

Planning a campus event is usually the hardest part. The more organized you are, the more smoothly things will pan out when it’s time to actually execute the event. Planning a big event can be overwhelming – it’s at least a two-person job, but the more hands on deck there are, the better. Brainstorming can be fun, anyway, and it’s an excellent way to harness creativity.

When planning events, you should try to think outside the box and be creative. For example, instead of hosting a run-of-the-mill Halloween dance, you might organize a costume party where the attendees have to go through a haunted house to get to the main event. 

Instead of an ice cream social, you might put on a sundae-making contest, where the students have to work together to create the best, most elaborate ice cream sundae possible.

These are just ideas – you can obviously do whatever you want, just so long as you’re harnessing your sense of creativity. If you’re having trouble tapping into your creativity, it might be a good idea to enlist students from the art or cosmetology departments to help out with planning and executing the event. 

Cosmetology students are usually on the lookout for jobs in cosmetology, anyway, so they’ll probably be more than willing to offer their assistance.

How to Integrate Students’ Artistic Talents

The main point of organizing and hosting campus events is to get students involved, right? So, why not let the students with artistic talents showcase their skills? Here are a few ideas for integrating students’ artistic talents into campus events:

Makeup Artistry

You may have noticed that cosmetology students can do amazing things with makeup. These students are wizards with a mascara brush, sure, but they also tend to be quite good at doing stage makeup. If the theater department is putting on a play or you’re organizing some sort of Halloween event, you should definitely consider asking the cosmetology department for help.

Visual Art

You may also want to enlist help from the art department when planning campus events. This will give the art students a chance to showcase their hard work. It’ll also give other students a chance to see some beautiful artwork while enjoying the event or activity in question. The art department can also help create sets for plays (which means the art and cosmetology students would be working together).


By getting students involved in planning and organizing campus events, you might just inspire them to pursue career paths that they hadn’t originally thought about. For example, a cosmetology student who does zombie makeup for a Halloween event might decide to become a makeup artist for a TV show. That’s the power of creativity in action!

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