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The student media organization of California State University Northridge

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The student media organization of California State University Northridge

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How to Choose a California Web Design Company That Can Scale with Your Business 


Branded Content by Cosmic Press

Source: Unsplash 

Are you planning to launch a new business or expand your existing one to California? If yes, this article is for you. 

With over four million small local businesses that employ nearly half of the state’s workforce, California is among the top economic engines of the US. In fact, 99.8% of the Golden State’s companies are small businesses, making California the perfect place to venture into entrepreneurship. 

But there is a catch. California is home to the glitz and glam of Hollywood, the leading tech corporations in Silicon Valley, and many world-leading manufacturing and agricultural enterprises. 

So, up-and-coming entrepreneurs looking to make a name for themselves in the Golden State have to go the extra mile to stand out from the fierce competition and make an impression on Californians, who have seen it all. 

All in all, California is a promising land for entrepreneurs. However, to bring your idea to successful fruition, you will require a reliable digital partner to set up your online business for success.  

In this text, we will explore how to choose a web design and development services company in California that aligns with your brand and enables you to grow. 

 #1 Examine Different Agencies & Review their Portfolio, Client Feedback, and Industry Experience  

In the first step, narrow down your choice to a handful of digital agencies that meet the following criteria: 

The Agency’s Site is Engaging & Intuitive 

Pick out several web design agencies that rank well on Google and/or B2B marketplaces like DesignRush and Clutch, or pinpoint the design team behind websites you like.  

If a web design agency’s website looks outdated, unattractive, or otherwise confusing and overwhelming, do not think they will do a better job for your business. 

You Like What You See in the Agency’s Portfolio 

You like the agency’s website, but what about those they built for others? 

Examine the websites the agency did for different industries to see whether they address client needs or stick to the tried-and-tested design. 

Sometimes, the site’s design is wonderful, but its execution poor. Thus, check whether your prospective digital team actually translates their designs into fast-loading, UX-friendly, and well-coded websites by visiting the live sites, not just the agency portfolio.    

In addition, see whether the agency has had experience working for your industry. It is not a must, but familiarity with trends, audience, and business expectations can be beneficial for your project.  

Client Testimonials are Legit & Positive 

Whether you opt for an established digital company or a startup, look for a team with favorable and genuine client references. 

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for agencies to resort to making up client endorsements.  

Therefore, we encourage you to check every client testimonial on the agency’s website — examine their website, LinkedIn profile, and any other resource to affirm the client’s existence and reliability. 

Also, read customer reviews on Google, social media, and dedicated service marketplaces, such as Clutch and DesignRush, to understand how clients feel about the agency.  

The Agency’s Services Align with Your Needs 

You can hire professionals from different companies and create a great digital product — but doing everything under one roof is a more seamless and straightforward experience. 

Partnering with an agency adept in various web-related fields, such as design, development, SEO, and digital marketing, provides you with a one-stop shop for all your digital needs. 

Even if, at the moment, you only need a single service, your business needs will probably change over time. In this case, it is more beneficial to work with a design, content, or SEO team already familiar with your business and website. 

#2 Define Your Website Must-Haves, Timeline & Budget  

Knowing what you need and want, when you want it, and how much you are willing to allocate to make it happen is half the job done. Delve into the client-side musts for a successful digital partnership: 

Zero In On What You Want from the Project 

Frequently, clients cannot see the forest for the trees. Getting caught up in details can be detrimental to your project’s success. What do we mean by that? 

Well, clients often come fully determined on website elements they are not technically equipped to decide on. For instance, the number of site pages, page layouts, color schemes, and CMS platforms — for all these decisions and many more, clients should rely on their chosen agency. 

Of course, the above applies if the agency is trustworthy and reliable and provides data for its claims and recommendations. Moreover, the client should approve of every design and development choice before anything is implemented in the final project. 

You may wonder what is left for the client to decide on then? Well, quite a lot, in fact. From features the site will boast, including eCommerce, booking, live chat, etc, to the clientele the website should attract, the message it should convey, and the conversion goals it should meet. 

Determine the Project Timeline 

If you need the website up and running for an industry event or a product launch, let your agencies know. Discuss how you can assist them in meeting your deadline and define a backup plan in case challenges arise. 

Specify Your Budget 

Regarding the project budget, set a range rather than a fixed amount. 

Remember that you are up against dozens of competitors in the fruitful Californian entrepreneurial scene, so be realistic — creating a great website will require a substantial investment. 

More so, affirm what scope of services the agency can offer you based on your budget. 

For instance, confirm whether the agency allows for revisions and if you can pay in installments.  

Also, verify the services covered in the agency’s cost estimate and how they handle extra charges for tasks not included.  

Determine Your Business Representatives 

In their bop from the 80s, The Land of Confusion, Genesis sings, “There’s too many men, too many people, making too many problems”. They were not referencing web design projects, but their conclusion nevertheless applies.  

If your company has a CEO, CTO, COO, CSO, CFO, CMO, and other C-level executives, project managers, finance managers, board members, directors, and presidents — make the cut of only a few people working directly with the agency.  

As for the other decision-makers, loop them into project details during your internal meetings. 

Contact the Agency Directly 

Reach out to your chosen digital agency and set up a meeting to define your expectations and determine whether the agency can deliver them. 

Be transparent regarding your project visions and goals and set expectations for the agency to do the same. 

#3 Finalize Your Decision By Meeting the Team & Communicating Project Details 

Before officially venturing out into your digital project, make sure to meet the people in charge of your company’s digital storefront and outline expectations on both sides. 

Get to Know the Agency Team 

There are plenty of reasons to meet the agency team.  

Firstly, you will be working with those people for weeks, if not months. You will exchange dozens of emails, meet up with them weekly, and share unfiltered opinions about their work. 

Secondly, the team will be responsible for the online presence of your bread and butter.   

Establishing amiable and open communication with everyone on the agency team will help make the project more streamlined and prosperous.  

Maintain Transparent, Ongoing & Respectful Communication 

Last but not least, ensure you and your agency are on the same page as to how communication is to be done.  

For example, define the frequency of team meetings, project reports, and design iterations.  

Moreover, specify the tasks of both parties, the team members in charge of them, and their deadlines. 

Finally, be aware that conflicts may arise. 

The agency might be overdue with tasks, they may fail to understand your project vision, or issues could emerge in the client-agency communication. 

If you are not satisfied with how the agency handles your project, express your concerns promptly, politely, and precisely. Remember that you have chosen a great agency and that current problems are resolvable and just an instance of miscommunication.  

Likewise, there are difficult clients who share unconstructive feedback, are behind schedule with approving designs, or fail to share required materials on time. Try not to be such a client — but if you still fall into the trap and receive a reprimand from the agency — do your best not to take it personally. 

After all, it is in both your and your digital agency’s best interests to finalize your project successfully. Be mindful that the agency too allocates its resources to build you an innovative, attractive, and profitable online presence.  

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