A boy sees a girl on the playground at school and immediately says that will be the girl he marries. The boy is only 12 years old. Kids this young usually don’t know who they will marry, let alone spend nearly a decade with.
One lucky girl heard those sweet words.
Jessica Zamora, a 20-year-old junior, has spent nearly a decade with her elementary school sweetheart. The two have experienced the many ups and downs a relationship can bring and yet they still manage to support each other no matter what.
Having one young person re-dedicate their life to God is amazing enough but to have a young couple do it is even more mind-blowing.
Four years ago, Zamora re-dedicated her life to God and she has fully embraced the positive change in many ways.
The turning point came when her boyfriend of nine years, whose name she rather keep anonymous, left to another state after high school to what Zamora refers to as “his calling.”
Zamora’s boyfriend left to Oklahoma right after they graduated and she had an emotional meltdown.
“The day he left I felt as though my whole world came to a crash; not only was I losing my boyfriend, I was losing my best friend since 7th grade,” she said with tears welling up in her eyes.
The saddened and depressed Zamora knew something was missing from her life.
“I was tired of searching and looking for something that no friend, no car, no party, no article of clothing could fulfill and that was the love of my Father Jesus Christ,” she said.
Zamora couldn’t figure out why the love of her life and future husband left her alone. She quickly turned to God and asked for forgiveness. And then it soon came to her. She realized God was temporarily removing her boyfriend from her life so she can become closer to the Lord and build a stronger relationship with Him.
And to her surprise, Zamora’s boyfriend had also made a vow while on the plane to re-dedicate his life to God as well.
The re-dedication for Zamora was not an easy task but with the rib from her boyfriend, she made it through. Zamora talked from a spiritual perspective, saying God created Eve from Adam’s rib so that they can become one flesh.
“Every woman is made from a man’s rib. God made it that way and he [my boyfriend] is my rib,” she said.
Zamora says the promise she and her boyfriend have made has brought them closer to each other. They have become one flesh just as God planned it to be. She says they are each other’s ribs. She never thought they would be where they are today with God.
“It’s a wonderful feeling,” she says.
Majoring in Psychology with a minor in English, Zamora carries the passion of helping people and animals.
“I am a people-person and I love listening and educating people if I can and whenever possible, the human mind is just fascinating,” she said.
Zamora comes from a strong, supportive family and grew up as the only child but was not fed with a silver spoon. Her parents refused to give her everything she wanted; instead she had to earn it.
“That just made me who I am, (I’m) always looking to help not receive,” she said.
She enjoys ministry and feels like ministry school is her true calling.
“I want to be able to help people of all ages, to know that there is always a positive way to life, no matter the struggle, no the matter the circumstances you can make it through with your head held high,” Zamora said.
In her spare time, Zamora and her boyfriend attend Bible Study every week with the young adult group from their church. She works out with her boyfriend when she’s not at Bible study or reading ministry books.
She is grateful that she was given a chance to start over and allow God back into her life at full force. She wouldn’t change that for anything in the world.
“Since then I have never looked back and where I am at today I couldn’t have done it by myself, WOOOH God is so good.”