Full Name: Chelsea Marin Curran
Date of Birth: May 16, 1988
Place of Birth: Anaheim, California
Height: 5’8”
Position: Center
Major: Psychology with minors in gerontology and human sexuality
Stats: In 10th place on the career goals scoring list with 95
Food: Mexican
Music: Rock, country, metal and alternative
Movie: “Pirates of the Caribbean”
Song: “Dear X, You Don’t Own Me” by Disciple
Athlete: Corey Perry of the Anaheim Ducks
Book: “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen
Greatest difficulty: “Overcoming three surgeries and a bad concussion, all while in school.”
Greatest goal accomplishment: “When I graduate from college, it will definitely be my greatest accomplishment.”
Most embarrassing moment: “Getting pushed down some stairs at a Hollywood nightclub and spraining my ankle.”
Hobbies: Reading, painting, volunteering and collecting movies
Best part of my game: “I can hold my position for a possession.”
Part of my game that needs improvement: “Not getting injured would’ve been helpful.”
Best player I’ve played against so far: Natalie Golda
Player I pattern my game after: “I kind of play my own game (laughs).”
Pre-game rituals: “I like to joke around with my teammates and listen to music on my iPod.”
Superstitions: “I somehow always find a lucky penny before each season and I keep it the whole season.”
Team: For the team to win our conference
Individual: To be there for the players when they need a little cheering up
My first sports: “I tried soccer, but I then discovered soon after that I was allergic to grass so I stayed away from that sport really fast.”
Other sports I played while growing up: Swimming
When I started playing water polo: In fifth grade
What I do to stay in shape during the offseason: Run, lift weights, swim, and play club water polo in the summer
Person I would like to meet: “I would love to meet Johnny Depp. I love all of his movies.”