Full name: Julius Höefer
Date of Birth: March 10, 1992
Place of Birth: Steingaden, Germany
Height: 6’9’’
Position: Opposite hitter
Major: Engineering
Year: Freshman
Stats: 3.95 kills per game, 4.85 points per game
Food: Lasagna
Musician: Coldplay
Movie: Into the Blue
Show: How I met your mother
Sport other than volleyball: Windsurfing and soccer
Greatest difficulty: “Managing school and the German national team.”
Greatest accomplishment: “Winning three national championships with the German national team.”
Most embarrassing moment: “One time I hit the ball straight under the net in
front of a lot of people.”
Hobbies: Politics
Best part of your game: “Attacking.”
Biggest area of your game that needs improvement: “My defense.”
Pre-game rituals: “Showering before games.”
Team: “To reach the NCAA Final Four”
Future: “Hopefully, to get a good job as an engineer.”
When did you start playing volleyball: “When I was 11.”
How do you stay in shape during the offseason: “Playing beach volleyball and
working out.”