Almost no one is likely to accuse Adam Salgado, newly elected Associated Students president, of a lack of ambition and determination.
“One day I want to hold public office and become the mayor of Los Angeles,” Salgado said.
Salgado, 24, is from East Los Angeles. He will be the first of his family to have a college degree. Before coming to CSUN, he attended Santa Monica College.
“The first time I came to this campus I fell in love,” said Salgado, a political science major. “CSUN is a beautiful campus.”
Salgado said everything he learned he must have acquired from his father, who came to the United States when he was 17. Salgado’s father became successful in real estate, and now owns an apartment complex. His father is also an electrician.
“My father is a strong person, and he always is going to be there for me,” Salgado said
Salgado’s mother is a homemaker who came to the United States when she was 5 years old.
Yolanda Vasquez, A.S. Senator, said she met Salgado at the University Student Union last summer.
She said there were many reasons she supported his candidacy.
Vasquez said she believes he has what it takes to improve CSUN.
“I have been working so hard for Adam’s election because I truly believe he is going to do the best for this university,” she said.
Salgado, who ran with vice presidential candidate Sarah Jackson, said what has frustrated him most about the A.S. election was that his opponent, Zachary Mendelsohn, had only been in office for four weeks.
“To (be) an A.S. president you must have experience,” Salgado said.
Salgado ran on a platform of reforming advisement, supporting the university’s new web portal, help coordinate club involvement and increasing school spirit.
“I will make sure every single student will graduates in four years, not in six or eight years,” he said.
At some point in his life, Salgado said he wants to become a corporate lawyer and is already doing his homework.
“Me and Sophia gave it our best,” Mendelsohn said. “I know that I ran a fair campaign.”
Zach said that the online voting was a good idea and environmentally sound.
He said he is going to finish his term as senator, and one of the things he wants to do is focus on marketing A.S. He will work with the marketing director.
Looking back on the campaign, he said he would like to have seen the different candidates on campus more.
“The (candidates) needed to get out more on campus,” Mendelsohn said.
Salgado is also interested in becoming a politician.
“Before you become a politician you must have money.” he said “Therefore, I am going to a law school in order to move my way up to become (a) politician.”
“I would also love to work for the United Nation as a diplomat for the United States.”
Salgado has been an senator for one year and attorney general.
One thing Salgado wants to focus on are the differences between how the current A.S. president, Chad Charton, runs the A.S. organization and the way he intends to run A.S.
“Chad runs the A.S. as a business corporation and I will run it as a non-profit organization, as a student government,” Salgado said.
Leonard Weng, junior political science major, who Salgado has tutored, said Salgado is a person who always wants to make sure everything is done right.
“I know for fact that Adam can accomplish anything he wants on his agenda,” Weng said. “In addition, his experience as a senator and attorney general is extremely valuable to us.”