Associated Students met briefly for their first meeting this semester in the Grand Salon of the USU Friday morning.
The meeting opened with President Sydni Powell introducing a list of meetings she attended over the break and points of interest for the council. She noted that the campus phone book will no longer be printed and that staff contact information will be moved to the CSUN website’s People Finder.
Powell also announced that the campus website will soon be transformed to follow a style guide, called WebOne, in order to promote a unity of the departments online and improve navigation through the site. Redesigning should be completed by June 30.
The subject of a Matador Football team surfaced briefly, as Powell recommended that any emails on the subject be directed to her to handle. A petition to reinstate the Matador Football team was rejected last year due to A.S. feeling “uncomfortable” with the proposed budget in the petition, according to Powell.
The meeting adjourned after the council moved to approve new members within Associated Students Productions, which organizes special events such as special lectures and “Big Show.” They also discussed a California State Student Association meeting that will be taking place on campus in March.