Stories about layoffs at major newspapers are becoming more frequent as the economy continues its downward spiral. Technology is advancing in such a way that printing anything on paper will not only be inconvenient, but inefficient.
Journalists from all mediums must find ways to keep their respective audiences. With the constant advancement in technology, their audiences are moving faster to online to obtain their information, and inevitably the outlet in which people receive their news has to be adjusted.
With the convenience of the Internet, the new way information is sought after does mean the eventual extinction of newspapers.’ This also means fewer people are tuning into radio stations, and eventually television audiences will choose to watch news online on their own schedule rather than designated time slots.
With all the changes being made to the way dissemination of information and the transition in the field of journalism, one factor will always remain the same. The need for quality reporting.
A reporter’s job, regardless of medium, is to deliver information to the public.’ This means the journalist must provide news the public needs and can’t find by typing key words into a search engine.
Journalism can no longer survive on stories about a new study that says coffee is good for people. Television won’t be able to tease their audience with stories about what Los Angeles will look like in 20 years. Newspapers will not be able to run pictures of adorable puppies on front pages so readers will pick up that issue.
Journalists, now more than ever, must be consistently digging for stories the public needs to know. An article about California’s deficit is far more significant than a story about Jessica Simpson’s weight.
A story about the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East should be more pertinent than a picture of Michael Phelps inhaling from a marijuana pipe. A story about a former governor being accused of selling a vacant Senate seat is more important than a recording of Christian Bale verbally abusing a crew member on set.
Significant news stories are the only way journalists will be able to keep their audiences in this time of transition into an instant medium.’ Consumers of news are no longer satisfied with simply viewing or reading mediocre stories they can get from other sources.
Journalism can survive this time of technological transition.’ Although the medium may be changing, the job of the reporter hasn’t.’ They’re still needed to uncover the news the public needs to know and can’t get from TMZ or Yahoo.