‘ ‘ ‘ Artist Stan Benson’s incredible show titled ‘Works in Woods’ brings a remarkably inventive take on art. Benson capitalizes on the premise that the panel surrounding the artwork is a piece of art itself and should enhance the contemplation of the viewer.
‘ ‘ ‘ The panels are wood grain and almost compel observers to look beyond the visual images. Each image has its own unique panel and the paintings are created with stain on single panels. These painted values, shapes and natural wood textures reveals the abstract narrative in which they were first created.
‘ ‘ ‘ Benson’s impressionistic style takes advantage of the natural wood grain of the panels to depict forest scenery. Most of the images at first glance are peaceful scenes, but when taking a closer look they appear to have dark undertones, most likely because of the use of shadows and undefined spaces casting darkness over a single figure.
‘ ‘ ‘ The great thing about these paintings are that everyone will appreciate them in some aspect, whether it is the beautiful images, the level detail, or mood the art creates.
‘ ‘ ‘ According to Benson, whether or not you find the paintings peaceful or disturbing, the paintings have done their job because they got you to think.
‘ ‘ ‘ Benson’s earlier paintings include a range of styles including what he calls old school, abstract and computer art.
‘ ‘ ‘ Benson comes to CSUN after a successful solo show at the Ventura College New Media Gallery. ‘Works in Woods’ a brand new experience that is highly recommended to enrich your life.’ ‘ For more artwork and upcoming shows from Stan Benson, visit http://home.earthlink.net/~stansart.