While allocating club funds is nothing new for A.S. it doesn’t mean the discussion doesn’t get heated.
The Armenian Student Association requested $300 for their Independence Day Celebrations. Some senators were hesitant due to the fact that the club had received funding for another independence event last semester.
‘Will this be a different event?’ asked Senator Joshua Foster.
After much deliberation, during which the proposed allocation dropped to $200 then back up to $300, A.S. concluded that they were different events. To Vice President Nicole Umali, it seemed like it took too long to decide on allocating $300.
‘Lets try to keep it to a minimum next time,’ Umali said. ‘We have to allocate fairly, the CSUN rollerhockey got a huge amount of money.’
The rollerhockey team was awarded $3,500 yesterday. While the funding is fairly high for a new club members argued that it costs the average player over $1,900 to play, considering the equipment and fees to play.
‘I’m very pleased with what we were awarded,’ member Alex Kleckner, junior urban studies and planning major, said. ‘We originally asked for $9,222.’ What we got was the bare minimum, but it’s okay the players will just have to come up with the rest of it themselves.’
The Deaf CSUNians were awarded $1,500 for the Deaf Student Leadership Conference.
Director of Elections, Mazen Hafez reported that a test run for online elections was conducted earlier today, with 133 students partaking.
24 percent said they were opposed to the Student Quality Fee, 29 percent didn’t know what it was and 17 percent had no comment.
When asked about Big Show, 40 percent said they didn’t know what it was and 40 percent said they did know about the event.
In a survey, students were asked if they thought A.S. represented the will of the students. Fifty-five percent said yes, 19 percent said no and 26 percent had not heard of A.S.