Since the resignation of Timothy Belfield as president of Associated Students on Feb. 8, newly appointed President Cara Keith and several A.S. senators said the transition has gone over as smoothly as could be expected.
“There are different responsibilities (now),” Keith said about her promotion from vice president to president.
“Before I would attend meetings as a member, but now I chair the meetings.”
Others who work with Keith said the transition has been virtually seamless, mainly due to Keith’s familiarity with the position.
Keith said she worked closely with Belfield, who resigned for personal reasons.
“Everything’s been great,” said Brenda Lacy, secretary for A.S.
“It’s been about the same. (Belfield and Keith) worked hand in hand.”
Keith said she is still fulfilling many of the same responsibilities she was as A.S. vice president, since A.S. has yet to find a replacement for her former position.
“We’ve done three interviews, and we’re going to make recommendations to the senate,” Keith said.
While A.S. is taking steps to fill the position of vice president, Keith said there are plenty of other positions open that she would like to see occupied as well. She said it is important that students take a more active role in getting their voices heard.
One observation Keith said she has made since taking office is that while the senate was running well before she became president, the members no longer seem to be as divided as they once were.
She said that many times in the past, senators would come to a standstill.
“(They) still have differing opinions, but things are still getting passed,” Keith said.
She said she plans on working with the New Valley High School’s relations directors to try to get their students more involved on campus.
Keith said that as a high school student, she was not involved in the student government. But when she got to CSUN, she knew she wanted to make a difference.
“I wanted to feel connected (to the school),” Keith said.
Keith said being president has given her the opportunity to meet a lot of students she probably would not have met otherwise.
“I think the transition went very smoothly,” said Angel Viramontes, an A.S. graduate assistant, who called the atmosphere in the A.S. office “relaxed.”
“The senators trust her, and she always keeps her door open. That says she’s open to suggestions.”