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The student media organization of California State University Northridge

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The student media organization of California State University Northridge

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More drama at CSUN

Assistant Professor Kari Hayter is a recent hired professional director and educator at CSUN posing in front of a wardrobe case on Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2014 in Northridge, Calif. Photo Credit: David J. Hawkins/ The Sundial
Assistant Professor Kari Hayter is a recent hired professional director and educator at CSUN posing in front of a wardrobe case on Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2014 in Northridge, Calif. Photo Credit: David J. Hawkins/ The Sundial

Everyone needs a little drama in their life and CSUN has plenty of it- the good kind.

The theatre department has hired a new faculty member in the hopes that she will bring life and fun into the the theatrical lives of the CSUN community. Assistant Professor Kari Hayter has a lot to offer the CSUN campus.With her strong will to transform the theatre department, nothing could go wrong.

Kari Hayter is the newest addition to the theatre department at CSUN. Prior to coming to the university, Hayter has a long history and admiration for theatre. In fact, Hayter is a professional educator and director who has been teaching and directing in the Los Angeles and Orange County areas for numerous years. She expresses her love of teaching theatre with such passion.

“I am looking forward to getting to know the students and expanding the musical theatre program with new projects and opportunities for students,” said Hayter.

While Hayter has enjoyed teaching others about the tools of the trade, she herself has had quite the adventure in theatre. As a child Hayter’s father was a community theatre director and he would take his daughter to rehearsals. Ever since then Hayter was fascinated with the concept of theatre. She then began partaking in theatre from junior high school up until college.

Seeing that acting was something Hayter wanted to pursue, she majored in musical theatre, theatre education, acting, and earned a teaching credential in English and drama. Hayter performed in the musical Singin’ in the Rain and she played a witch in Macbeth in the Utah Shakespearean Festival. Hayter says that these are some of her most memorable experiences.

Hayter says she is glad to be working with such a talented group of individuals.
“I loved the enthusiasm for the department and program. I felt the faculty was welcoming and passionate and all about the students and the student experience,” Hayter said.

Graduating senior and theatre major, Logan Allison says that he is excited to see what Professor Hayter has in store for her students.

“Musical theatre while, always being respected in the theatre department, has never had a clear representative to talk to or inquire with. I think she is the perfect candidate for this,” said Allison.

Acting major and sophomore, Gabe Navarrete loves the theatre and can’t wait to see what transformations take place.

“People should know about theatre so they can see and get a feel for what we do. Theatre really gives people an imagination to be someone else or to even show the real you,” said Navarrete.

It is clear that students are excited for how Hayter is going to improve the theatre department, but Hayter has some plans of her own as well.

Through her own acting and directing experiences, Hayter hopes to bring some diversity to the campus. In order to bring light to her work, Hayter is going to be directing The Drowsy Chaperone musical that was written by Bob Martin and Don McKellar on campus next spring.

“I hope to further develop the musical theatre program and opportunities at CSUN and expand the courses and offerings for the department,” Hayter said. “I am excited to direct in all of the theatre spaces on campus and challenge the CSUN/LA community with new musicals that inspire audiences.”

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