A March 29 5-4 Supreme Court ruling has expanded Title IX protection for those who sue educational institutions on the basis of sex discrimination.
Under the new policy, those who feel an educational institution is discriminating against someone else because of their gender may sue without fear of job termination or legal counter-repercussions.
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 is a federal statute that prohibits educational institutions from discrimination based on sex.
However, people who brought the discrimination to light were not protected.
According to Jennifer Kearns, National Collegiate Athletic Association assistant director of media relations, it is up to each individual institution to allocate the money for their athletic programs the way they choose to.
All educational institutions that receive federal funding, including CSUN, are affected by the ruling.
According to some students and officials involved with CSUN athletics, which has 10 women’s athletic programs and eight men’s programs, the school has yet to show any discernable differences in treatment or usage of athletic facilities between male and female athletes.
Tori Curtis, junior kinesiology major and member of the women’s track and field team, said she does not see any discrimination concerning the team facilities.
“We use the same facilities as the men for track, so there’s no difference there,” she said.
Similarly, the men’s and women’s basketball teams both use the Matadome for games and practices.
“Nobody’s ever come to me to complain about (preferential treatment),” said Matt Monroe, assistant Sports Information director, who deals directly with several female athletes.
He said basketball gets priority over other sports for practices in the Matadome, but he does not see any preferential treatment given to men over women.
He also said that within the past several years, locker rooms for both the men and women have been upgraded.