The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The truth about fad diets: they don?t work

Megan Blumenthal March 25, 2009

Lose 10 pounds fast'hellip; all you have to do is nothing!

If only it were that simple. The weight battle has always been an issue for some people, and some are willing to go to extreme measures to change themselves. It seems like new diet trends are popping up every day with clever gimmicks and empty promises. With spring break just around the corner, more people are looking to fad diets to help lose weight quickly.


Advocates against violence rally for peace and justice

Megan Blumenthal February 25, 2009

Tonight CSUN staff, students and surrounding community are planning to 'Take Back the Night' (TBTN) An event dedicated to speaking out against the violence and abuse affecting men, women and children.

Be green by buying green

Megan Blumenthal January 30, 2009

Fresh, clean and green.

Green products have taken over the marketplace from house-ware to furniture and even technology, and one thing is true, green is in and here to stay.

CSUN green effort

Megan Blumenthal January 20, 2009

Some people have big footprints. CSUN has a big footprint, carbon footprint that is.

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