The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

Construction across campus continues despite budget cuts over the years

Construction across campus continues despite budget cuts over the years

Melissa Simon May 1, 2013

CLARIFICATION: The lead paragraph has been changed to reflect that bonds, donations and funds have helped with construction costs. Construction across campus continues through the use of state funding,...

Text messages and peer mentoring help the college transition

Text messages and peer mentoring help the college transition

Melissa Simon April 30, 2013

In a recent paper published by two Harvard graduate students, it was found that the use of text messaging and peer mentoring kept students from falling through the cracks before entering college. Ben...

Several lawns on campus to be replaced with plants

Melissa Simon April 18, 2013

CSUN’s Physical Plant Management is in the process of replacing certain lawns with native plants to reduce the cost of water and maintenance. James Sutton, director of facility services at Physical...

Proposed university would grant degrees without holding classes

Proposed university would grant degrees without holding classes

Melissa Simon April 16, 2013

Assemblyman Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita) proposed a new bill suggesting a fourth university system in California, which would be called the New University of California. The new system, as explained...

Public colleges left out of Cal Grant funding proposal

Melissa Simon April 2, 2013

A new bill has been introduced by Assembly members Beth Gaines and Mike Morrell that would return Cal Grant awards to the full amount before the 2012-13 budget cuts. Gaines, representative for the 6th...

I.T. warns of potential breaches to prevent monitoring of emails

I.T. warns of potential breaches to prevent monitoring of emails

Melissa Simon April 1, 2013

CSUN continues to closely monitor incoming emails  in the midst of persistence by hackers who break into servers. After a cheating scandal hit Harvard,  a group of deans were outraged last fall...

Tax on cigarettes aims to increase financial aid for CSU and UC systems

Tax on cigarettes aims to increase financial aid for CSU and UC systems

Melissa Simon March 18, 2013

A new initiative has been proposed to raise the tax on a pack of cigarettes in an effort to raise money for financial aid at California State University and University of California schools. The California...

Study finds CSU students among those with lowest loan debt

Study finds CSU students among those with lowest loan debt

Melissa Simon February 17, 2013

A recent study found that CSU students have one of the lowest debt levels in the nation, with CSUN averaging $16,172, slightly lower than the CSU average. Matthew Reed, program director at the...

Gov. Jerry Brown proposes $125 million for CSU budget

Melissa Simon January 21, 2013

CORRECTION: Cynthia Rawitch was listed as provost. Rawitch is vice provost, while Harry Hellenbrand is provost. The "May revise" will happen after Gov. Brown receives the proposal, not before, as stated...

Asperger’s syndrome now a part of larger ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’

Melissa Simon December 5, 2012

The newest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, will not include Asperger’s syndrome, the American Psychological Association announced Saturday. Dr. Laura...

Four people shot dead in Granada Hills

Melissa Simon December 2, 2012

>>>UPDATE 8:40 a.m. No additional information has been released on the victims, according to LAPD's media relations, and no weapon or suspect has been found. Ed Winter, assistant chief...

Blues Project sheds light on darkness

Melissa Simon November 28, 2012

The CSUN community gathered on the steps of the Oviatt Library Wednesday night for a candlelight memorial honoring those who ended their own lives or had been impacted in some way by depression or suicide. Elayne...

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