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The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

Best of CSUN 2013

Share the love. Vote for your favorites and win big.

Fill out this ballot now through February 28 and give us your opinion on the top local spots. After you complete your ballot, you can enter to win our grand prize, a backpacking trip to Sequoia National Park courtesy of Associated Students or second prize, a gift basket courtesy of the Matador Bookstore! We’ll publish the winners and runners-up right here on March 21.

  • Ballot must be received by February 28, 2013.
  • Don’t want to vote online? Pick up an official ballot in our print edition.
  • One ballot (paper or online) per person.

    Start voting now


No purchase necessary.

Ballot may be completed via newspaper ballot or by voting online at One entry (paper OR online) per person.

The Daily Sundial reserves the right to cancel the promotion at any time. All prize award decisions are final.

Only currently enrolled CSUN students are eligible to win prizes. Employees of the Daily Sundial, Associated Students, and the Matador Bookstore are not eligible to win.

Cash will not be awarded as a substitute for prize.

To be eligible to win, each winner will be required to sign a release giving the Daily Sundial permission to use his or her name, picture, portrait and likeness for publicity purposes connected with this promotion without additional compensation.

Winner must present a photo id (driver’s license, passport, etc.) before prize will be distributed.

If the grand prize is not claimed in (30) thirty days, it will be forfeited by winner.

By entering, entrant agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Daily Sundial against any and all liability, damages or causes of action (however named or described), with respect to or arising out of either (i) entrant’s participation, or (ii) the receipt or use of the prize awarded in the promotion.