President George W. Bush’s long (long) term is about to come to an end. Democrats have been extremely unhappy with him, which shows in the ever-growing industry of anti-Bush products for sale. The question is: have Republicans been just as unhappy with him? Most would reluctantly admit—-yes. If Republicans do not like President Bush, then they probably will not like the recent limelight he has recently been sharing with the front-runner Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain.
Thirty percent of Americans are happy with the job that President Bush is currently doing, reported The New York Times Web site. Of those Americans, sixty-six percent of Republicans do not approve of what Bush has achieved as president.
Will Sen. McCain lose his already dwindling popularity among Republicans if he is seen with President Bush too often? Maybe so, as aides to McCain announced that they will not have him appear too often with the current president.
This could be due to several reasons. The first obvious one is that Bush is not very popular with any American right now. No one wants to see our old problems standing alongside of a new potential president. It’s like seeing a winner of “The Biggest Loser” standing with the CEO of Burger King.
Americans, be them Republican, Democrat, or Independent, are all looking for a change. The era of political “royalty” families like the Bush’s are no longer seen as the reliable, first-choice to elect for a president.
If the Bush’s were popular right now, then their endorsement to McCain would be a plus to doubtful Republicans. Since neither Bush or McCain are popular with their party voters right now, then it may lower their popularity collectively.