Like many college freshmen, Sarah Pasio came to CSUN wondering how she would find the time to balance a job, a full time school schedule, time with her family and boyfriend, joining clubs and making new friends on campus. She is now in her second semester and moving forward.
Between working at a Vons grocery store, commuting to school from Sun Valley, maintaining a 4.0 grade point average (GPA) and not being able to see family as much as she used to, the management major said she is tired.
“Just keeping at everything was the most difficult part of getting a 4.0 GPA; between work and school, it was a lot to keep up with.”
Focusing on the long-term goal and what is important, doing great in school, was also difficult, she added.
“I had to give up time I wanted for myself, to see my boyfriend, friends and do homework, on a daily basis.”
Pasio has a younger brother, 13, who she tries to be there for as much as possible.
Her parents divorced when she was 7-years-old. Pasio said she tries hard to find time to visit both households.
“Both of my parents have always been there for me. They’re there when I have problems and have always showed me a lot of love, and I am really trying to show it back, but I am always busy.”
Even though she is not sure what she wants to do after she graduates, Pasio decided to major in management.
“I am really organized, and not sure what I want to do after college. My mother suggested a management degree, because I could apply for a variety of jobs with it, she said.”
Although she took general education classes her first semester, the workload caught Pasio by surprise.
“I feel like high school never gave much work. It was really hard getting used to doing so much work, so I really pushed myself last semester,” Pasio said.
Now that she has scored a perfect GPA, Pasio hopes to expand her social sphere and get more enjoyment out of CSUN by joining clubs on campus.
In high school Pasio was in the choir and although she loved the experience, she finds herself overwhelmed by her current responsibilities.
“My friends really pushed me to join the choir, which I did in my junior year of high school. It turned out well. It was a lot of fun and a big stress reliever,” Pasio said.
The last time Sarah sang with her high school choir is one of her fondest memories. “During my senior year of high school my boyfriend, Jordan and I had a duet in the middle of ‘Shine On Us.’” It was great moment and very emotional.”
Although nervousness stopped her from joining the choir immediately, she knows how beneficial clubs can be for ones own enjoyment, and not just for one’s resume.
“My voice is a bit weaker now than it was in high school, since I haven’t had any choir practice. I love singing to whatever’s playing in the car, like Coldplay and Katy Perry though, and I can’t wait to share that with more people again,” Pasio said.
Pasio said her goal is to be more social and outgoing.
“I tend to get nervous, thinking that I won’t be able to handle everything, so I keep putting off joining groups. I’m going to join the choir and possibly the Christian Club on campus, and whatever else may look interesting during my sophomore year if I can keep my grades up this semester.”
With such a strong start, Pasio is an example of how to put the long-term goals before the short-term ones, and defeating a stressful and negative attitude for a better future.