The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

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Student Showcase delivers to excited crowd at Northridge Center

Dance group CSUN Dance won the 10th annual Student Showcase as the overall best dance group on Thursday, October 20. A.J. Circhirillo / Daily Sundial

The 10th annual Student Showcase started with a seemingly tame crowd, and ended with host Ron G barely able to control them during the dance-off that would end the event, Thursday night.

“The crowd was incredible,” said Ron G, seven-year comedian from Georgia. “I love this school, I’ve done over 100 schools and the diversity of this school makes it special, when the music comes on, it doesn’t matter their ethnic background, it seems to bring them together.”

The energy and costumes of the performances showed the amount of preparation people spent on this night. Kevin Castech, event coordinator for the night, was speechless most of the night, watching something that he had planned since July supersede his expectations.

“This is going better than I could have ever expected, a little crazy, but I’m glad the kids are having a good time,” said Castech.

Four awards were given out this year: Overall best in show, best in dance, best musical performance and best poetic performance.

The overall best in show went to a group called “Committed Feet,” whos dance routine had hints of Michael Jackson’s thriller, with some biblical flair and costumes that reminded the audience that Halloween is just around the corner.

“(We’re) very surprised; to us it’s not all about the competition- it’s about God, and having fun,” said Diontay Odom, dance coordinator for Committed Feet. “Beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news, that’s our motto.”

Best in dance came to a dance-off at the end of the night where judges based the tiebreaker off of the volume of cheers from the audience. The Amazonian styled “CSUN dance” ended up winning over “Fasmode” and their medical-ward, zombie routine.

“We came to entertain and represent CSUN,” said Sarah Rose, member of Fasmode. “It took about 9 years to get to this level and I’m proud to be a part of this.”

With his fast-talking and ability to energize the crowd, Danyial Motiwala took the award for best poetic performance, and Jessica Samiere won best musical performance.

“This is a great honor, (I) had a lot of support in the crowd,” said Samiere. “Thank God of course, this is a really good feeling.”

The judge’s expertise spanned from Matt Eickhoff, lip synch champion, to NBC Universal manager, Ingrid Hadley.

“(I) love being part of something where students get to serve other students and are passionate about the commitment to achieving the ultimate college experience,” said Shanell Tyus, events manager for the USU, who earned her under-graduate and graduate degrees from CSUN.

“I’m a Matador through and through,” said Tyus.

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