To the CSUN community:
This special edition of the Sundial was published in hopes of raising public awareness about mental health and its effects on college students and the CSUN community. As chief editors of this issue, we have witnessed first-hand what tragedies mental health can bring when left unaddressed.
Whether it is a family member who is struggling with an eating disorder because she feels uncomfortable in her own skin or a sibling who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and ultimately was lost to suicide, equal attention must be paid to each situation.
The Sundial has partnered with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration during this week to honor Suicide Prevention Week as well as all other mental health issues in today’s world. This edition has been a work in progress since the start of Spring 2014, giving us an opportunity to expand our own knowledge to then share it with CSUN. In a high-stress environment such as college, we found this topic relevant to our audience.
As fellow members of this university, we urge you to assist us in making this community more open and supportive for those who have found themselves in difficult times. On an individual level, we hope this issue can be a source of information for those seeking self help or those seeking to assist others.
The Sundial has included a variety of information from guides and personal stories to opinions and sports in search of understanding what mental health means in a multicultural university.
Mental health awareness does not end with this printed and digital issue. Take notice, inform yourself, and continue to challenge the stigmas surrounding mental health and those affected by it.
Loren Townsley and Melody Cherchian
Chief Editors of the Mental Health Issue
Check out the rest of The Sundial’s Mental Health Issue in a special section here.