Dear reader,
Beginning in the upcoming weeks, a handful of op-ed series will begin. They will all discuss several issues that CSUN students have shared with each other, topics that are all relative in regard to the social, political and pop cultural mixture that have been queried amongst the school’s population. This includes questions that have approached the physical manifestation of the Opinion desk.
– Greek impact/culture at CSUN
– Donald Trump/2016 Presidential Election
– Black Lives Matter/2016 Presidential Election
– Associated Students
– Decline of formal politics (political science majors/minors would be recommended to contribute for this)
– Business and finance
Please stop by Manzanita Hall 140 if you wish to contribute your own view or opinion on one of the preceding topics. You can also email the desk at Share your interest in either writing an op-ed or taking part in a discussion on our new Opinion-based podcast, “Tales from the Third Rail.”
These topics are subject to change or expand as the semester progresses, and suggested topics are always considered.