Let’s be honest, anyone who commutes to campus hates the nightmare of parking at CSUN.
You pay your $126 to buy a parking pass, and then feel fortunate to actually find a space anywhere on campus. Some people must resort to parking at the lot across the street from the dorms on Lassen and Lindley. Either people must park there because there is nowhere else to park, or students can buy a tag just for that lot which is cheaper. But those who park up there do so because they have no other choice.
It used to be buses that would come right next to the lot and take those who parked in that lot to campus. It was easy, convenient and made sense. But now, CSUN, in its infinite wisdom, decided to create a tram route that picks up students next to the dorms instead of next to the parking lot.
It should not have been difficult to predict that the people who get to use this tram are not commuters who are forced to park in lot F10 but students who live in the dorms. Before most of the students who park in the lot can get to the tram, it is full with students who live on campus. And since there are usually only two trams that run this route, the commuters must walk to make it to class on time.
With this being said, I like the idea of a tram. I think it makes a lot of sense. However, it needs to be upgraded. The first stop should be right next to lot F10. Those students are the ones that need to use the tram the most and were the ones most affected when the school decided to discontinue the buses.
There also needs to be more stops on the tram route. Why just go from the dorms to right next to the Matadome? The route should go all throughout campus, especially considering the size of the campus.
Two trams now are not enough. If a student misses the tram by the dorms, it can take up to 20 minutes for the next one to come back. If the route were extended, there would need to be more than two trams. This creates another job for students interested in work study and lets students explore other areas of campus that they may never see.
I believe that students would be willing to pay for this service because so many students would use it. Instead of other services that Associated Students asks us to pay for, I know I would be willing to give an extra dollar in tuition for this program.